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Numbers API

This is a generated connector for [Numbers API v1.5](https://math.tools/api/numbers/) OpenAPI specification. Numbers API of [Math Tools](https://math.tools/) provides the capability to access the operations that are all about numbers



NOWPayments API

This is a generated connector from [NOWPayments API v1](https://nowpayments.io/) OpenAPI Specification. NOWPayments is a non-custodial cryptocurrency payment processing platform. Accept payments in a wide range of cryptos and get them instantly converted into a coin of your choice and sent to your wallet. Keeping it simple – no excess.



Novoinno API

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Novoinno API. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.



Novel COVID 19 API Disease sh An open API for disease related statistics

This is a generated connector from [Novel COVID-19 API version 3.0.0](https://disease.sh/docs/) OpenAPI Specification. Ballerina connector for COVID-19 provides easy access to latest COVID-19 related data across the world. Please refer to [API documentation](https://disease.sh) for more detail.



Novalnet API

## Novalnet API (2.0.0 V) Postman Collection This is a postman collection covering the Novalnet API. See [https://developer.novalnet.de/onlinepayments/apiparameterreference](https://developer.novalnet.de/onlinepayments/apiparameterreference) for more details. ## Prerequisites [Postman](https://www.getpostman.com/downloads/) [Novalnet Account](https://admin.novalnet.de/) To start, fork the collection from [Novalnet's public workspace](https://www.postman.com/stripedev/workspace/stripe-developers/overview) within Postman. <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/14b7af7c-7fb4-4cfa-ab4c-f7291668b5b7/aW1hZ2UucG5n" alt="Fork%20Collection" width="376" height="437"> Enter a name for your fork and select the workspace where it will be created: <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/ef0e5d61-f400-4b40-9c4e-e7c7ef160ddd/U2VsZWN0aW9uXzQ3NC5wbmc=" alt="Fork%20form"> ### Set your API Signature & Tariff ID To run requests, you must supply your [API Signature and Tariff ID](https://admin.novalnet.de/) and set it as an [environment variable](https://learning.postman.com/docs/sending-requests/variables/) within your workspace. To set any environment variable, You can fork the environment template from the Novalnet Public Workspace. <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/8af501dc-3db9-4bc9-aec6-8dbcc9622c90/cG9zdG1hbl9jcmVhdGVfbmV3X2Vudi5wbmc=" alt="Environments" width="379" height="405"> <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/8623b0f5-3284-4f91-a9d5-8d7ba2cb0296/U2VsZWN0aW9uXzQ3NS5wbmc=" alt="Create%20a%20fork"> Add your credentials listed below as a variable to the environment and save: - signature - payment access key - tariff - subscription tariff <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/66220cef-dc40-42a0-bcf6-85ae7298c070/U2VsZWN0aW9uXzQ3Ny5wbmc=" alt="Set%20Signature,%20Payment%20access%20key%20and%20Tariff"> Set the Novalnet Test Environment to active <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/92c3b1bd-214d-455c-9271-1aed453f568f/aW1hZ2UucG5n" alt="Set%20active" width="426" height="343"> If your environment is set up correctly, you should see your base URL if you mouse over the `base_URL` variable in the URL field: <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/dcf94ebc-63d4-408d-966e-4dfdb1819779/aW1hZ2UucG5n" alt="base%20url%20mouseover" width="721" height="284"> Ensure the configured payment access key is reflected by the mouse over in all the request file headers with base64 encoded format. <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/cff4dec7-4c83-47a2-8618-209a63e62976/aW1hZ2UucG5n" alt="Encoded%20Payment%20access%20key" width="804" height="354"> ## Make a test transaction You should be ready now to make a test transaction. Choose any of the requests from **Payments** or **Authorize** folder to initiate a transaction. <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/9b419cb6-7018-4723-8d62-b4f3b1f0c7d6/aW1hZ2UucG5n" alt="Overall%20Collection" width="357" height="810"> <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/65036184-f038-447d-b5e4-3a9f0571da5d/U2VsZWN0aW9uXzQ3OS5wbmc=" alt="Request%20and%20Response"> Verify the Test result of the execution <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/c37cc051-c174-4549-9416-316a86ec28cb/U2VsZWN0aW9uXzQ4MC5wbmc=" alt="Test%20Results"> You can change the parameters in the collection variables you need to change. To know about the parameter in details refer to the link - [https://developer.novalnet.de/onlinepayments/apiparameterreference](https://developer.novalnet.de/onlinepayments/apiparameterreference) <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/7cfb021f-9535-41c0-a86b-c7af76f96bc1/U2VsZWN0aW9uXzQ3Ni5wbmc=" alt="Collection%20variables"> ## Tokenization Select the Payment folder under One click or Zero amount and choose as Run folder. <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/39e4a6a5-4230-408c-9d1c-6a38f7b45258/aW1hZ2UucG5n" alt="Run%20folder" width="291" height="391"> Now click the Run Novalnet API button. <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/fa32614f-880e-4de7-a969-67c16350b752/aW1hZ2UucG5n" alt="Run%20Novalnet%20API" width="1253" height="592"> Verify the Test result of the execution of one click or zero amount process with token <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/b0e78c18-852b-40db-bd14-26e58d62aafd/aW1hZ2UucG5n" alt="Tokenization%20test%20results" width="830" height="450">



Novalnet API

## Novalnet API (2.0.0 V) Postman Collection This is a postman collection covering the Novalnet API. See [https://developer.novalnet.de/onlinepayments/apiparameterreference](https://developer.novalnet.de/onlinepayments/apiparameterreference) for more details. ## Prerequisites [Postman](https://www.getpostman.com/downloads/) [Novalnet Account](https://admin.novalnet.de/) To start, fork the collection from [Novalnet's public workspace](https://www.postman.com/stripedev/workspace/stripe-developers/overview) within Postman. <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/14b7af7c-7fb4-4cfa-ab4c-f7291668b5b7/aW1hZ2UucG5n" alt="Fork%20Collection" width="376" height="437"> Enter a name for your fork and select the workspace where it will be created: <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/ef0e5d61-f400-4b40-9c4e-e7c7ef160ddd/U2VsZWN0aW9uXzQ3NC5wbmc=" alt="Fork%20form"> ### Set your API Signature & Tariff ID To run requests, you must supply your [API Signature and Tariff ID](https://admin.novalnet.de/) and set it as an [environment variable](https://learning.postman.com/docs/sending-requests/variables/) within your workspace. To set any environment variable, You can fork the environment template from the Novalnet Public Workspace. <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/8af501dc-3db9-4bc9-aec6-8dbcc9622c90/cG9zdG1hbl9jcmVhdGVfbmV3X2Vudi5wbmc=" alt="Environments" width="379" height="405"> <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/8623b0f5-3284-4f91-a9d5-8d7ba2cb0296/U2VsZWN0aW9uXzQ3NS5wbmc=" alt="Create%20a%20fork"> Add your credentials listed below as a variable to the environment and save: - signature - payment access key - tariff - subscription tariff <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/66220cef-dc40-42a0-bcf6-85ae7298c070/U2VsZWN0aW9uXzQ3Ny5wbmc=" alt="Set%20Signature,%20Payment%20access%20key%20and%20Tariff"> Set the Novalnet Test Environment to active <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/92c3b1bd-214d-455c-9271-1aed453f568f/aW1hZ2UucG5n" alt="Set%20active" width="426" height="343"> If your environment is set up correctly, you should see your base URL if you mouse over the `base_URL` variable in the URL field: <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/dcf94ebc-63d4-408d-966e-4dfdb1819779/aW1hZ2UucG5n" alt="base%20url%20mouseover" width="721" height="284"> Ensure the configured payment access key is reflected by the mouse over in all the request file headers with base64 encoded format. <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/cff4dec7-4c83-47a2-8618-209a63e62976/aW1hZ2UucG5n" alt="Encoded%20Payment%20access%20key" width="804" height="354"> ## Make a test transaction You should be ready now to make a test transaction. Choose any of the requests from **Payments** or **Authorize** folder to initiate a transaction. <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/9b419cb6-7018-4723-8d62-b4f3b1f0c7d6/aW1hZ2UucG5n" alt="Overall%20Collection" width="357" height="810"> <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/65036184-f038-447d-b5e4-3a9f0571da5d/U2VsZWN0aW9uXzQ3OS5wbmc=" alt="Request%20and%20Response"> Verify the Test result of the execution <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/c37cc051-c174-4549-9416-316a86ec28cb/U2VsZWN0aW9uXzQ4MC5wbmc=" alt="Test%20Results"> You can change the parameters in the collection variables you need to change. To know about the parameter in details refer to the link - [https://developer.novalnet.de/onlinepayments/apiparameterreference](https://developer.novalnet.de/onlinepayments/apiparameterreference) <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/7cfb021f-9535-41c0-a86b-c7af76f96bc1/U2VsZWN0aW9uXzQ3Ni5wbmc=" alt="Collection%20variables"> ## Tokenization Select the Payment folder under One click or Zero amount and choose as Run folder. <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/39e4a6a5-4230-408c-9d1c-6a38f7b45258/aW1hZ2UucG5n" alt="Run%20folder" width="291" height="391"> Now click the Run Novalnet API button. <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/fa32614f-880e-4de7-a969-67c16350b752/aW1hZ2UucG5n" alt="Run%20Novalnet%20API" width="1253" height="592"> Verify the Test result of the execution of one click or zero amount process with token <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/b0e78c18-852b-40db-bd14-26e58d62aafd/aW1hZ2UucG5n" alt="Tokenization%20test%20results" width="830" height="450">



Notion API Public Beta

This is a generated connector for [Notion API v1](https://developers.notion.com/reference/intro) OpenAPI Specification. Notion API provides capability to access all-in-one workspace where you can write, plan, collaborate and get organized. it has components such as notes, databases, kanban boards, wikis, calendars, and reminders. You can connect these components to take notes, add tasks, manage projects & more. Notion provides the building blocks and you can create your own layouts and toolkit to get work done. This ballerina connector allows you to connect Notion through its [REST API](https://developers.notion.com/docs).




This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the NETGSM API. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.



NamSor API v2

This is a generated connector for [NamSor API v2](https://v2.namsor.com/NamSorAPIv2/index.html) OpenAPI specification. The NamSor API provides the capability to process personal names (gender, cultural origin or ethnicity) in all alphabets or languages.




Hello and welcome! To make use of this API collection collection as it's written, please duplicate [this database template](https://www.notion.so/8e2c2b769e1d47d287b9ed3035d607ae?v=dc1b92875fb94f10834ba8d36549bd2a). Under the `Variables` tab, add your environment variables to start making requests. You will need to [create an integration](https://www.notion.so/my-integrations) to retrieve an API token. You will also need additional values, such as a database ID and page ID, which can be found in your Notion workspace or from the database template mentioned above. For our full documentation, including sample integrations and guides, visit [developers.notion.com](https://developers.notion.com/). Please note: Pages that are parented by a database _must_ have the same properties as the parent database. If you are not using the database template provided, the request `body` for the page endpoints included in this collection should be updated to match the properties in the parent database being used. See documentation for [Creating a page](https://developers.notion.com/reference/post-page) for more information. To learn more about creating an access token, see our [official documentation](https://developers.notion.com/reference/create-a-token) and read our [Authorization](https://developers.notion.com/docs/authorization#step-3-send-the-code-in-a-post-request-to-the-notion-api) guide. Need more help? Join our [developer community on Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/notiondevs/shared_invite/zt-20b5996xv-DzJdLiympy6jP0GGzu3AMg).



Nidux API

# Bienvenidos al API de tienda Nidux ## ¿Qué puedo hacer con mi tienda mediante el API? * * * Puedes realizar la gran mayoría de las operaciones que realizas en línea mediante el administrador, controlar tus productos, categorías, marcas, etc. Puedes revisar las órdenes, tipos de cambio y cupones activos. Puedes integrar estos métodos con tu sistemas internos y crear una automatización de procesos única. ## ¿Cómo integro mis aplicaciones con el API de tienda Nidux? * * * 1. Obtén la funcionalidad de API en tu tienda. 2. Puedes desarrollar una integración usando el lenguaje de programación que gustes. Puedes apoyarte en los diversos ejemplos que provee este sitio. 3. Todos los métodos (exceptuando el inicio de sesión) requieren de un Bearer Token, debes generar uno nuevo cada 600 segundos. ## ¿Cómo habilito el API en mi cuenta Nidux? * * * 1. Contacta tu operador Nidux para habilitar la funcionalidad. 2. Te proveeremos la información necesaria para iniciar sesión en el API. 3. Recuerda, tu contraseña de Administrador no se usa para el API, sólo funcionará la que definas exclusivamente para este servicio. ## ¿Cual es mi límite de peticiones? * * * La cantidad de peticiones que puedes realizar por minuto al API Nidux puede variar en dependencia del Plan Nidux que poseas. Este limite aplica para cada usuario individual asociado a tu tienda virtual cuando realiza peticiones a cualquier endpoint. | **Tipo de Plan** | **Cantidad de peticiones por minuto** | | --- | --- | | Emprendedor | 5 | | Plus | 10 | | Pro | 100 | | Corporativo | 300 | ##### Nota: Si no sabes identificar el tipo de plan Nidux que posees, [en nuestra base del conocimiento](https://ayuda.nidux.com/cómo-identificar-mi-tipo-de-plan-y-el-id-de-mi-tienda) tenemos un artículo que te enseña a ubicar esta información ## Endpoint de producción * * * En este momento, [**https://api.nidux.dev**](https://api.nidux.dev) es el endpoint en producción y el que recibirá las próximas actualizaciones y mejoras de Nidux. ## ¿Qué es el token en sí? * * * Es un JWT, parte del estandar abierto [RFC7519](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7519), es ligero y sencillo de manejar para los desarrolladores. Se requiere un token, válido y activo para realizar cualquier operación con el API. En términos de autenticación, el Token es muy valioso y se debe tener mucho cuidado en no perderlo. ## Versiones de métodos * * * Por parte de Nidux, estaremos brindando nuevos métodos que faciliten aún más la integración con sus sistema. Cada versión tendrá una marca o etiqueta que se explicará de la siguiente forma: | | Explicación | SOPORTE | | --- | --- | --- | | Actual | Es la versión a usar | Si | | Anterior - Legacy | Es una versión con soporte legacy | Si | | Obsoleto | Ya es una versión que no se debería usar, recomendamos migrar a una actual | Limitada | | BETA | Se publicarán métodos en fase de pruebas, mientras los consolidamos pueden sufrir modificaciones sin previo aviso | Ninguna | ## Seguridad mejorada del API * * * Hemos implementado un set de reglas que protegen el acceso y mejoran el uso justo del API, por lo que hay una serie de condiciones que se deben respetar para el correcto uso. 1. Usar IPs de salida limpias para solicitudes API, de aparecer en una lista negra serán rechazadas al instante. [Verifica si tu IP está blacklisted](https://whatismyipaddress.com/blacklist-check) 2. Cada solicitud API debe ir con una estructura formal, **incluyendo una cabecera de User-Agent**, de lo contrario será rechazada. 3. Evitar enviar contenido externo adicional o bien, invocaciones que rompan con reglas OWASP, será rechazada cualquier solicitud que se considere como potencialmente dañina. ### Próximas mejoras * * * 1. Generar proformas y links de pago 2. Sincronizar clientes entre sistemas > Si deseas adquirir el servicio de API en tu tienda, contáctanos al correo [ventas@nidux.com](mailto:ventas@nidux.com) o [Visita Nidux.com](https://www.nidux.com)



New York Times Books API

This is a generated connector for [New York Times Books API v3.0.0](https://developer.nytimes.com/docs/books-product/1/overview) OpenAPI specification. The Books API provides information about book reviews and The New York Times bestsellers lists. For additional help getting started with the API, visit [New York Times Books API](https://developer.nytimes.com/docs/books-product/1/overview).



News API News(articles, headlines and sources) across world

This is a generated connector for [News API v2.0.0](https://newsapi.org/docs) OpenAPI specification. News API used to fetch news(articles, headlines and sources) from news sources and blogs across the web.



Neutrino API

This is a generated connector for [Neutrino API v3.5.0](https://www.neutrinoapi.com/api/api-basics/) OpenAPI specification. The Neutrino API is a general-purpose API.

Developer Tools


NetSuite OpenAir REST API

This is a generated connector for [OpenAir API v1.0](https://www.openair.com/download/OpenAirRESTAPIGuide.pdf) OpenAPI specification. The OpenAir REST API provides an interface for integration applications to exchange information with [OpenAir](https://docs.oracle.com/cloud/openair/index.html). OpenAir REST API currently supports the following resources: Expense reports, Receipts, Attachments, Job codes, Contacts

Business Operations



This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Net2Phone. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.




The NERM API can be used to access and modify various resources in your environment.




This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the MyToueris. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.




Sportradar is the official data provider of real-time NASCAR data! We combine on-track speed and accuracy with in-depth race and seasonal driver statistics. All three NASCAR series (Cup, Xfinity, and Trucks) are covered in full. The NASCAR API is consistent in structure, format, and behavior with our other League Specific APIs. Our primary feeds return schedules, standings, team and driver data, and real-time race leaderboards. Our other feeds provide a host of complimentary statistics and information, including: * Entry lists * Practice leaderboards * Qualifying leaderboards * Seasonal driver statistics * Detailed track profiles The easiest way to get started with the API is to click the fork button to fork this collection to your own workspace and use Postman to send requests. # Overview 1. You need a valid API Key to send requests to the API endpoints. You can get your free trial key by registering an account and creating an application from our [Developer Portal](https://developer.sportradar.com/). 2. Once you have your sport specific key, replace the value `{Your API Key}` with your API key and click the save icon (or click the Meatballs Menu and select "Save") 3. By default, responses to every request are sent in JSON. If you prefer XML, you can change the variable by clicking the "Variables" tab and replacing the Current Value for format to xml. 4. Select an endpoint from the NASCAR v3 menu on the left, then click "Send" on the resulting screen. 5. The API calls will respond with appropriate [HTTP response codes](https://developer.sportradar.com/docs/read/Home#http-response-codes) for all requests. Within Postman Client, when a response is received, the status code is highlighted and is accompanied by a help text that indicates the possible meaning of the response code. A 200 OK indicates all went well, while 4XX or 5XX response codes indicate an error from the requesting client or our API servers respectively. 6. Data for the requested endpoint is displayed in the Body section below. # Other Resources The [API Map](https://developer.sportradar.com/docs/read/racing/NASCAR_v3#nascar-v3-api-map) on our Developer Portal illustrates how to obtain the parameters you will need to access the API. The [Statistics Summary](https://developer.sportradar.com/files/Sportradar_NASCAR_v3_Statistics_Summary.pdf) provides a high-level overview of all the data points provided within the whole API, giving you an “at a glance” view of the data we offer. The [Documentation](https://developer.sportradar.com/files/Sportradar_NASCAR_v3_Statistics_Feeds.pdf) provides a list of endpoints for the API with basic descriptions. When applicable, we include information on the Coverage Levels provided for the API. This document also includes descriptions of each data point and information about where each data point can be found within the API. [Frequently Asked Questions](https://developer.sportradar.com/docs/read/racing/NASCAR_v3#frequently-asked-questions) about the API can be found on the Developer Portal and in the Documentation mentioned above. The [Change Log](https://developer.sportradar.com/files/NASCAR_API_v3_Change_Log.pdf) provides a list of changes and updates to this version of the API since the initial release of the API version. If you need further information, contact our support team: Email: [support@sportradar.com](mailto:support@sportradar.com)




Neblio is an open-source, decentralized, and secure blockchain platform built for a wide variety of enterprise-level applications and services. Use cases include Supply Chain, Records Management, Gaming, Asset Tracking, Identity Management, and many more. Contact Support: Name: No Contact Email: email@example.com



NBB Virtual

These are the APIs that the NBB platform provides for managing Ledgers




This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the myFICO. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.




Mux is how developers build online video. This API encompasses both Mux Video and Mux Data functionality to help you build your video-related projects better and faster than ever before. Contact Support: Name: Mux DevEx Email: devex@mux.com




This is a MyCarrier Rating API specification. (preprod)



MuleSoftCatalyst KnowledgeHub

Collection of Repositories from Github (MuleSoft Consulting, MuleSoft Examples or Others) that have been considered important for the MuleSoft focused Commmunity

Developer Tools


MuleSoftAutomationPlatform API

# MuleSoft Automation Platform APIs This collection combines 2 products from MuleSoft with MuleSoft Composer and MuleSoft RPA. Both contribute towards the MuleSoft Automation Offering. ## MuleSoft Composer APIs The documentation for the MuleSoft Composer APIs can be found [here](https://www.postman.com/salesforce-developers/workspace/salesforce-developers/folder/28641317-f349bdfa-0af1-4a39-8bd0-44551a09e713?ctx=documentation). ## MuleSoft RPA APIs The documentation for the MuleSoft RPA APIs can be found [here](https://www.postman.com/salesforce-developers/workspace/salesforce-developers/folder/28641317-060ac2b5-ce68-486a-9cd9-ec7ef7f27e54?ctx=documentation).

Developer Tools



This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Multion. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.

Developer Tools



# [Get started with these 5 minutes videos!](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiONnRuKRuJBHJoqaN8qx-QKMhYjPf8_s) # MuleSoft Anypoint Platform APIs Every time you login into the MuleSoft Anypoint Platform using the User Interface Portal, you are implicitly calling a set of APIs that are invoked by the UI: the Platform APIs! Instead of UI you can do direct HTTP requests, highly useful When automating your Software Development Lifecycle. They provide you with more flexibility and customization than the Anypoint CLI or the Mule Maven Plugin. - Official documentation of the Platform APIs in the [Platform API Portal](https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/exchange/portals/anypoint-platform/) ## Common Errors - [Invalid CSRF Support Article](https://help.mulesoft.com/s/article/CSRF-Protection-execute-from-Postman) ## Prerequisites Before we start working with platform APIs, you need these three pieces of data: a session token, the organization id and the environment id; as shown in the below image. \*Note Since 2021 It is recommended to use ConnectedApps instead of Username&Password <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/angelalberici/mulesoft-platform-apis/master/img/PlatfromAPIBasics.png" width="700"> ## Environment <p>Make sure you have<a href="https://www.postman.com/)">Postman</a>installed, that you do know how to<a href="https://learning.postman.com/docs/postman/collection-runs/working-with-data-files/#importing-sample-collection-files">import the Postman Collection and the Environment</a>and then you can finally download the Postman assets from this repository. Import both files and make sure to add both anypoint-username and anypoint-password or ConnectedApps-ClientID/ClientSecret to your Postman Environment, the fields highlighted below.</p> This collection pack contains an environment "Anypoint Platform". Set the values before you use any request. You must set the following: - url - \[Recommended: ConnectedApps (ClientID and ClientSecret)\] or \[For TESTING: exceptional account (Username/Password)\] - organization_id All other parameters are optional or related to specific requests. ## Start using That's about it! You can start checking these collections and you will save a lot of time figuring it out yourself! ## Basic Setup Example In the following, find some examples on accessing data using the postman collection pack. For detailed instruction, please watch the quick tutorial video linked below. ## Login to Anypoint Platform Once you have entered to correct parameter values in the environment "Anypoint Platform", you can make use of the "Login to anypoint platform" POST request in the Authentication Folder. This request will save the token bearer to the parameters and use it in all subsequent requests. <img src="https://github.com/API-Activist/anypoint-platform-postman-collection/blob/main/postman-coll-login.PNG?raw=true" width="700"> ## Getting profile Information After you have logged in, you need to get your profile information in order to set the organization_Id. This is set by the "Get profile information" request in the Authentication folder. After execution of this request, the organization_Id parameter is set and relevant for all subsequent requests. <img src="https://github.com/API-Activist/anypoint-platform-postman-collection/blob/main/postman-coll-orgid.PNG?raw=true" width="700"> ## Subsequent request After the basic setup is done, you can now use the majority of the requests in postman with your anypoint platform environment. ## Get all projects In order to access all projects using the collection pack, go to the folder "Design Center/Projects" and select the "Get all projects". Run this request to retrieve all projects within the organization_Id <img src="https://github.com/API-Activist/anypoint-platform-postman-collection/blob/main/postman-coll-projectsall.PNG?raw=true" width="700"> ## Get all assets In order to access all assets using the collection pack, go to the folder "Exchange/Assets" and select the "Get all assets". Run this request to retrieve all projects within the organization_Id <img src="https://github.com/API-Activist/anypoint-platform-postman-collection/blob/main/postman-coll-assetsall.PNG?raw=true" width="700"> ## Invite new users In order to invite new users, go to folder "Management Center/Access Management/Users" and select "Invite new users" request. This is requires to have the group role id, which you need to have prior performing this POST request. To get the group roles go to folder "Management Center/Access Management/Rolegroups" and perform "Get all rolegroups" request to retrieve all rolegroups. <img src="https://github.com/API-Activist/anypoint-platform-postman-collection/blob/main/postman-coll-rolegroups.PNG?raw=true" width="700"> Copy the required role_group_id and name. Go back to the "Invite new users" request and select Body. Enter the copied values to the correct fields. <img src="https://github.com/API-Activist/anypoint-platform-postman-collection/blob/main/postman-coll-inviteuser.PNG?raw=true" width="700"> ## Resources - Official documentation of the Platform APIs in the [Platform API Portal](https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/exchange/portals/anypoint-platform/) - If you are new to the Platform APIs check this [post!](https://blogs.mulesoft.com/dev/howto/get-started-with-platform-apis-and-postman-automation/) ## Authors - [Amir Khan](https://www.linkedin.com/in/amir-khan-ak/) - [Angel Alberici](https://www.linkedin.com/in/angelalberici/) - [Ivan Z.](https://www.linkedin.com/in/ivan-z-apis/) ## Thanks to our awesome contributors - [Ashish Pardhi](https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashishpardhi/) - [Rolando Carrasco](https://www.linkedin.com/in/rolandocarrasco/) - [Amit Ghorpade](https://www.linkedin.com/in/amitghorpadein/) - Management Center -> API Manager -> API Administration -> Manage APIs -> Single API -> POST create an alerts for api ## Contributing to the project - Please read the tutorial in: [https://github.com/forcedotcom/postman-salesforce-apis/blob/master/contributing.md](https://github.com/forcedotcom/postman-salesforce-apis/blob/master/contributing.md) ## Release notes 31st Aug 2023 - Exchange can be access by the Exchange Platform API and by the Exchange GraphQL Platform API. Almost every use case is covered by Exchange Platform API this is in case you want to explore the Exchange GraphQL Platform API due to specific use cases or training - The Folder has been added in: MuleSoft Platform APIs -> Exchange -> GraphQL Exchange Search # Release notes 1st Aug 2023 - Migrated from "MuleSoft Platform APIs" Postman Workspace into "Salesforce Developers" Postman Workspace - Added Folders for Cloudhub 2.0 under Management Center -> Runtime Manager -> Private Spaces, Transit Gateways & Deployment Target - Added Environment Variables for Cloudhub 2.0 including the URL (transit_gateway_id, private_space_id, tls_context_id, target_id, connection_id, vpn_id) - Changed Authentication Mechanism at Root Level (MuleSoft Anypoint Platform APIs) from "None" to Bearer Token of value # Release notes Feb 2022 New Collections in the workspace: Metrics Toolkit, TestDataGeneration, APIM Admin API, Mulesoft-Api-Manager-CI-CD-Postman Added HTTP Requests and Use cases in "Anypoint Platform APIs" 1. ParentPOM, CRUD Teams, OOTB API Manager, ObjectStore & Stats, VPN Status by Ashish Pardhi 2. Hybrid logic (RuntimeManager->Applications->Hybrid by Rolando Carrasco) 3. Auth with ConnectedApps (Access Manager): Don't use Username/Password for CICD Users: Always aim for ConnectedApps! Learn how to set them up here: [Connected Apps | Friends of Max Demonstration](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoxZg0qvyz8) and here [MuleSoft Docs](https://docs.mulesoft.com/access-management/connected-apps-overview#:~:text=The%20Connected%20Apps%20feature%20provides,their%20accounts%20to%20third%20parties) 4. ListPatch by PatchID Version (Runtime Manager): CloudhubAPI list gives you a PatchID... use this endpoint to get details on the Patch (e.g. Date) by Angel 5. CRUD for Business Groups (Access Management) by Ivan Z. 6. CRUD for VPCs and Load Balancers (Runtime Manager) by Ivan Z. Note: BusinessGroups and VPCs are specifically required for CLOUDHUB Automation Tool (CAT), [watch what is it here at 36:29](https://youtu.be/tqgoFmPgl7Y?t=2189). Thank you Ivan Z for adding them ## Disclaimer This is a Community driven and Community supported collection of assets for you to get started with MuleSoft Platform APIs (e.g. Postman concatenation of requests, testing scripts, etc.). This is not Supported by MuleSoft and you cannot open Cases about these Postman APIs. ## License agreement By using this postman collection, you accept that Max the Mule is the coolest integrator on the planet: [Go to biography of Max the Mule](https://brand.salesforce.com/content/characters-overview__3?tab=BogXMx2m)

Developer Tools


Mrsool Api

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Mrsool Api. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.

Developer Tools



This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the MoveUp. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.

Social Media



This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Moov. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.




This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Monitriip. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.



Movie Reviews API

This is a generated connector from [New York Times Movie Review API v2.0.0](https://developer.nytimes.com/docs/movie-reviews-api/1/overview) OpenAPI specification. With the New York Times Movie Reviews API you can search for movie reviews. The Movie Reviews API provides services for searching New York Times movie reviews by keyword and opening date and filter by Critics' Picks.




This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Moweek. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.



MotoGP v2

Sportradar's MotoGP API v2 provides schedules and post-race results for the entire MotoGP Championship, as well as Moto2, Moto3, and Superbike championships. All data is collected via Sportradar’s expert operators. This API uses a descending, stage-based structure. By changing the stage ID, you can retrieve information on a season, event, race, or any of the practice or qualifying stages. Additional feeds provide complimentary stats, including team profiles and race win probabilities. The easiest way to get started with the API is to click the fork button to fork this collection to your own workspace and use Postman to send requests. # Overview 1. You need a valid API Key to send requests to the API endpoints. You can get your free trial key by registering an account and creating an application from our [Developer Portal](https://developer.sportradar.com/). 2. Once you have your sport specific key, replace the value `{Your API Key}` with your API key and click the save icon (or click the Meatballs Menu and select "Save") 3. By default, responses to every request are sent in JSON. If you prefer XML, you can change the variable by clicking the "Variables" tab and replacing the Current Value for format to xml. 4. Select an endpoint from the MotoGP v2 menu on the left, then click "Send" on the resulting screen. 5. The API calls will respond with appropriate [HTTP response codes](https://developer.sportradar.com/docs/read/Home#http-response-codes) for all requests. Within Postman Client, when a response is received, the status code is highlighted and is accompanied by a help text that indicates the possible meaning of the response code. A 200 OK indicates all went well, while 4XX or 5XX response codes indicate an error from the requesting client or our API servers respectively. 6. Data for the requested endpoint is displayed in the Body section below. # Other Resources The [API Map](https://developer.sportradar.com/docs/read/racing/MotoGP_v2#motogp-v2-api-map) on our Developer Portal illustrates how to obtain the parameters you will need to access the API. The [Statistics Summary](https://developer.sportradar.com/files/Sportradar_MotoGP_v2_Statistics_Summary.pdf) provides a high-level overview of all the data points provided within the whole API, giving you an “at a glance” view of the data we offer. The [Documentation](https://developer.sportradar.com/files/Sportradar_MotoGP_v2_Statistics_Feeds.pdf) provides a list of endpoints for the API with basic descriptions. When applicable, we include information on the Coverage Levels provided for the API. This document also includes descriptions of each data point and information about where each data point can be found within the API. [Frequently Asked Questions](https://developer.sportradar.com/docs/read/racing/MotoGP_v2#frequently-asked-questions) about the API can be found on the Developer Portal and in the Documentation mentioned above. The [Change Log](https://developer.sportradar.com/files/Aussie_Rules_Football_API_v3_Change_Log.pdf) provides a list of changes and updates to this version of the API since the initial release of the API version. If you need further information, contact our support team: Email: [support@sportradar.com](mailto:support@sportradar.com)



MoMo Open-APIs

# Getting Started ## Steps on creating your first API Request 1. Fork the Collection 2. Create Subscription Keys 3. Create API User and API Key 4. Get Access Token 5. Make Your fisrt MoMo API Call ## Step 1: Fork the collection using Run In Postman [<img src="https://run.pstmn.io/button.svg" alt="Run in Postman">](https://app.getpostman.com/run-collection/28452721-0df6ecfa-f9a4-41ed-8e1e-7581097d1c4e?action=collection%2Ffork&source=rip_markdown&collection-url=entityId%3D28452721-0df6ecfa-f9a4-41ed-8e1e-7581097d1c4e%26entityType%3Dcollection%26workspaceId%3D66fe3943-b010-4047-ad82-618785225cc8) ## Step 2: Create Subscription Keys 1. Sign up [https://momodeveloper.mtn.com](https://momodeveloper.mtn.com) 2. Navigate to the products page [Product-descriptions](https://momodeveloper.mtn.com/Product-descriptions). 3. Select drop down on product that suits the business case and subscribe. 4. After completion, you can locate the Subscription Keys in [your profile](https://momodeveloper.mtn.com/profile). Access additional information through the link below on creating subscription keys [How to create subscription keys on MoMoDeveloper | MoMo Dev Community (mtn.com)](https://momodevelopercommunity.mtn.com/how-to-59/how-to-create-subscription-keys-on-momodeveloper-148) 5. Navigate to the Variables and update as mapped below | **Subscription name** | **Key Type** | **Variable** | | --- | --- | --- | | Disbursements | Primary | `Disbursement_Subscription-Key` | | Collections | Primary | `Collection_Subscription-Key` | #### **NOTE: Use the Primary Key** ## Step 3: Generate API user and API Key 1. Fork the SandBox Provisioning Collection using run in Postman [<img src="https://run.pstmn.io/button.svg" alt="Run in Postman">](https://app.getpostman.com/run-collection/28452721-83d6c7e7-0135-4b37-94fe-2cbef87b7859?action=collection%2Ffork&source=rip_markdown&collection-url=entityId%3D28452721-83d6c7e7-0135-4b37-94fe-2cbef87b7859%26entityType%3Dcollection%26workspaceId%3D66fe3943-b010-4047-ad82-618785225cc8) 2. Run the _**SandBox Provisioning Collection**_ , copy the `api user` and `api key` displayed via the console and test results. 3. Navigate to the Variables of the _**MoMo Open APIs Collection**_ and modify api_user and api_key respectively ## Step 4: Get Access Token An access token is automatically generated using a default `api_user` and `api_key`. MoMo recommends using your own api_user and api_key from **Step 3** by entering the values under the **Variables** tab. A pre-request script will generate and manage expiry of the `access_token` automatically. > **Recommended to generate a new Access Token only after expiry of the Old one and****not a new token for every request** ## Step 5: Make Your first MoMo API Call 1. In your workspace, navigate to your fork of the MoMo Open APIs collection. 2. Select **Get Paid** > **Request Payment** 3. Select the **Send** button to request a payment. On a successful call, the API returns a 202 Accepted response code 4. .Customer will receive a PIN to approve the debit from their MoMo Wallet. 5. Check configured Callback URl for status of the Request. 6. Request Status can be generated under Select **Get Paid** > **Payment Status** 7. Select the **Send** button to request a payment. On a successful call, the API returns a 200 OK Accepted response code, with Status of the request in the response body #### **Test MSISDN** Change the value for the Collection Variable MSISDN to produce the responses below. Test Results with the different responses will be expected for go live submissions | **Number** | **Response** | | --- | --- | | 46733123450 | Failed | | 46733123451 | Rejected | | 46733123452 | Timeout | | 56733123453 | Success | | 46733123454 | Pending | X-Refrence-Ids are auto generated UUID version Strings and these are interpretended as request_ids. They are saved in the request Ids variables. ## Golive With the Test Results It is anticipated that you will provide the Test Results derived from the MoMo Open APIs collection. The Results must demonstrate your understanding of the API Flow and Syntax, and the testing of various sample responsesfor the APIs you plan to use.

Developer Tools


Monitor API

This is a generated connector for [DocuSign Monitor API](https://developers.docusign.com/docs/monitor-api/monitor101/) OpenAPI specification. DocuSign Monitor helps organizations protect their agreements with round-the-clock activity tracking. The Monitor API delivers this activity tracking information directly to existing security stacks or data visualization tools—enabling teams to detect unauthorized activity, investigate incidents, and quickly respond to verified threats. It also provides the flexibility security teams need to customize dashboards and alerts to meet specific business needs.

Developer Tools



This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the MongoDBData. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.

Developer Tools



Test Mombit Bx API



MoEngage - Subscription Categories API

Subscription Categories help your brand provide options to customers to choose the kind of communication they want to receive from you. For more information, refer to Subscription Categories. The Preferences API enables you to fetch and update subscription preferences on your MoEngage dashboard. The following APIs are available: 1. **Get User Preferences for a specified user : **This API fetches the user preferences information for a specific user. 2. **Update preferences for a specified user : **This API updates the user preferences information for a specific user who navigates to the custom landing page from the email notification sent to them and updates their preferences. Note: Campaign ID information is required along with user ID in this case. 3. **Bulk update preferences : **This API updates user preferences in bulk. Use this API for updating the user preferences to MoEngage in large volumes.



MoEngage - Transaction Push API

Push API is used to: * Create Campaigns (targeting all users or a group of users) to send notifications. * Target a single user using a unique user attribute * Personalize payload for each user. API Documentation - [https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404548252820-Push-API](https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404548252820-Push-API)



MoEngage - User Merge API

| <br><br>#### Note<br><br>This API is a closed feature and is not available by default. To enable this API for your account, please connect with your CSM or drop a mail to support@moengage.com.<br><br> | The User Merge API merges two users in MoEngage based on their ID. ID is a client-defined identifier for a user. This API can be used when multiple profiles have been created for a single user. For example, a user registered once with a mobile number and once with an email id can be merged. Duplicate users created due to integration or tech issues can also be merged. There are two types of user merging in MoEngage: | Default merge | Manual Merge | | --- | --- | | <br><br>MoEngage merges users with the same ID<br><br> | <br><br>MoEngage merges users having different IDs<br><br> | | <br><br>Happens automatically, and no action is required from your side. For more information, refer to User Merge.<br><br> | <br><br>Does not happen automatically; the User Merge API needs to be called with the list of users to be merged along with their IDs.<br><br> | ## API Endpoint ``` POST https://api-0X.moengage.com/v1/customer/merge?app_id= ``` The 'X' in the API Endpoint URL refers to the MoEngage Data Center (DC). MoEngage hosts each customer in a different DC. You can find your DC number (value of X) and replace the value of 'X' in the URL by referring to the DC and API endpoint mapping [here](https://help.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/360057030512-Data-Centers-in-MoEngage). ## Authentication Basic authentication sends a Base64-encoded string containing username and password for all API requests. Do the following when you are using the API for the first-time authentication: For example, basic Authentication encodes a 'username:password' using base64 and prepends it with the string 'Basic '. The string is passed in the authorization header as follows: {"Authorization":"Basic bmF2ZWVua3VtYXI6bW9lbmdhZ2U="} # Request Parameters | Key | Data Type | Sample Values | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | <br><br>APP_ID<br><br> | <br><br>String<br><br> | <br><br>{"APP_ID": "APP ID"}<br><br> | <br><br>This is the APP ID of your MoEngage account, and needs to be passed along with the request. You can find your MoEngage APP ID in the MoEngage Dashboard API Settings. Navigation: Settings -> API -> General Settings -> DATA API section. For more information, refer to Authentication.<br><br>Note: You can also fetch the APP ID from the following navigation: Settings -> App -> General Settings.<br><br> | # Request Headers | Key | Mandatory/Optional | Sample Values | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | <br><br>Authorization<br><br> | <br><br>Mandatory<br><br> | <br><br>{"Authorization": "Basic bmF2ZWVua3VtYXI6bW9lbmdhZ2U=="}<br><br> | <br><br>This is the authentication parameter for access control and needs to be passed along with the request. The APP KEY and API SECRET need to be picked up from the DATA API Settings in MoEngage Dashboard, and a Basic Authorization header needs to be created and set in the header. Navigation: Settings -> API -> General Settings -> DATA API section. For more information, refer to Authentication.<br><br> | | <br><br>Content-Type<br><br> | <br><br>Mandatory<br><br> | <br><br>{"Content-Type": "application/json"}<br><br> | <br><br>Set the Content-Type header to application/json for using the User Merge API.<br><br> | # Request Body | Key | Mandatory/Optional | Values | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | <br><br>merge_data<br><br> | <br><br>Mandatory<br><br> | <br><br>Array of Objects<br><br> | <br><br>This field contains the list of UID pairs of the users who are to be merged. <br><br>Example:<br><br>{<br><br>“merge_data”:<br><br>     \[    // All the different pairs of users to merge<br><br>{<br><br>  “merged_user”: ““, // This user will merge into below user<br><br>  “retained_user”: “”   // Above user will merge into this user<br><br>},<br><br>{<br><br>  “merged_user”: ““, // This user will merge into below user<br><br>  “retained_user”: “”   // Above user will merge into this user<br><br>}<br><br>\]<br><br>}<br><br> <br><br>Every object in the Array contains a pair of UID strings - the ‘merged_user’ and the ‘retained_user’. <br><br>Note: <br><br>1. UID is the unique identifier for a user maintained by you. MoEngage stores this identifier in the [ID attribute in the user profile](https://help.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044285511-User-Profile#h_01FTESCBSZJY53DJ2NS18YVE0E).<br>2. If the merging of any user fails in the array, it will skip that object and continue with others.<br><br> | # Response | Key | Data Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | <br><br>status<br><br> | <br><br>String<br><br> | <br><br>This field contains a brief description (“success” and “fail”) of the request status.<br><br> | | <br><br>operation<br><br> | <br><br>String<br><br> | <br><br>This field contains “created” when there is no error in the payload, and the user merge is successful.<br><br> | | <br><br>error<br><br> | <br><br>JSON Object<br><br> | <br><br>This field contains the details of the error:<br><br>1. message - the error message indicating the reason for the failure of the request<br>2. type - the error type indicating the failure type <br>3. request_id - the unique identifier associated with every request<br><br> | # Response Codes | Status Code | Request State | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | <br><br>200<br><br> | <br><br>Success<br><br> | <br><br>This response is returned when the request is processed successfully. <br><br> | | <br><br>400<br><br> | <br><br>Bad Request<br><br> | <br><br>This response is returned when the required parameters are missing from the request or when the provided parameters are invalid.<br><br> | | <br><br>401<br><br> | <br><br>Authorization Failure<br><br> | <br><br>This response is returned when the authorization fails due to incorrect values for the APP KEY/ HTTP Auth Header.<br><br> | | <br><br>403<br><br> | <br><br>Account Suspended Temporarily<br><br> | <br><br>This response is returned when the user account that is being merged has been suspended temporarily.<br><br> | | <br><br>409<br><br> | <br><br>API SECRET not configured<br><br> | <br><br>This response is returned when the authorization fails due to the APP SECRET key not being set on the Dashboard.<br><br> | | <br><br>413<br><br> | <br><br>Payload Limit Exceeded<br><br> | <br><br>This response is returned when the payload size has exceeded the limit set.<br><br> | | <br><br>415<br><br> | <br><br>Unsupported media type<br><br> | <br><br>This response is returned when the header “Content-Type” is not provided/is not supported.<br><br> | | <br><br>429<br><br> | <br><br>Rate Limit Breach<br><br> | <br><br>This response is returned when the number of requests per minute has exceeded the rate limit.<br><br> | | <br><br>5xx<br><br> | <br><br>Internal Server Error<br><br> | <br><br>This response is returned when the system runs into an unexpected error.<br><br> | # Rate Limit The rate limit is 1000 user updates per minute.



MoEngage - Transaction Push API

Push API is used to: * Create Campaigns (targeting all users or a group of users) to send notifications. * Target a single user using a unique user attribute * Personalize payload for each user. API Documentation - [https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404548252820-Push-API](https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404548252820-Push-API)



MoEngage - Data APIs

Data APIs are used to send user data (user properties and events) from your servers to MoEngage. Data API is a collection of the following APIs - User API - Event API - Bulk Import API Learn More - [https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404674776724-Overview](https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404674776724-Overview)



MoEngage - Subscription Categories API

Subscription Categories help your brand provide options to customers to choose the kind of communication they want to receive from you. For more information, refer to Subscription Categories. The Preferences API enables you to fetch and update subscription preferences on your MoEngage dashboard. The following APIs are available: 1. **Get User Preferences for a specified user : **This API fetches the user preferences information for a specific user. 2. **Update preferences for a specified user : **This API updates the user preferences information for a specific user who navigates to the custom landing page from the email notification sent to them and updates their preferences. Note: Campaign ID information is required along with user ID in this case. 3. **Bulk update preferences : **This API updates user preferences in bulk. Use this API for updating the user preferences to MoEngage in large volumes.



MoEngage - Resubscribe API

This API can be used to resubscribe users, who have previously unsubscribed on the MoEngage platform and an external email vendor platform simultaneously. This API resets the unsubscribe flag to "false" for users on MoEngage and makes a call to an External Service Provider (ESP) like SendGrid to remove the email addresses (associated with the unsubscribed users) from their suppression list



MoEngage - Inform API

Inform facilitates a unified messaging infrastructure across multiple channels with a single API for building and managing transactional alerts. Transactional Alerts can be sent in the following scenarios: 1. Order/Booking/Purchase confirmations 2. Shipping/Delivery confirmations and updates 3. Security and account alerts 4. Password resets 5. OTP (one-time password) 6. User invitations and shares 7. User inaction related to previous transactions 8. Fraud prevention/security alerts The Inform API sends notifications to all the channels simultaneously for a specified Live Alert. You can use the Inform API to do the following: 1. Send a transactional message on a single channel like SMS or Email 2. Send transactional messages on multiple channels



MoEngage - File Imports - Trigger API

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the MoEngage - File Imports - Trigger API. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.



MoEngage - Data APIs

Data APIs are used to send user data (user properties and events) from your servers to MoEngage. Data API is a collection of the following APIs - User API - Event API - Bulk Import API Learn More - [https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404674776724-Overview](https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404674776724-Overview)



MoEngage - Custom templates API

Link to documentation Push - [https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/14801954091156-Overview](https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/14801954091156-OverviewSMS) SMS - [https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/14579504140052-Overview](https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/14579504140052-Overview)

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