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Whatsapp cloudBusinessManagement

This public collection contains common queries, sample responses, and links to supporting documentation for the [Business Management API](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/business-management-api). ## Requirements To use this collection you must have a Meta **business account**, a **WhatsApp Business Account**, and a **business phone number**. If you complete the steps in the Cloud API [Get Started](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/get-started) guide, all of these will be created for you. ## Environment This collection has a corresponding **Business Management API** Postman [environment](https://learning.postman.com/docs/sending-requests/managing-environments/) which you must select when using the collection. Set **current values** for the variables defined in this environment if you wish to perform the queries in the collection. You can find most of these values in the [WhatsApp Manager](https://business.facebook.com/wa/manage/home/) or the **WhatsApp** > **Getting Started** panel in the [app dashboard](https://developers.facebook.com/apps), but if you have an **access token** and your **business account ID**, you can use the collection to get the remaining values. ### Access Tokens The API supports both user and system user access tokens. You can get a user access token by loading your app in the [app dashboard](https://developers.facebook.com/apps) and navigating to the **WhatsApp** > **Getting Started** panel. Alternatively you can use the [Graph API Explorer](https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/) to generate one. Since user access tokens expire after 24 hours, you'll likely want to generate a system user access token, which lasts up to 60 days (or permanently, if you wish). See [System Users](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/business-management-api/get-started#system-users) to learn how to create a system user and system user access token. Once you have your token, save it as a **current value** in the environment. ## Business Account ID You can get your business account ID by signing into the [Meta Business Suite](https://business.facebook.com). The ID appears in the URL as **business_id**. Once you save this as a **currrent value** in the environment, go to the **WhatsApp Business Account (WABA)** folder and run the **Get all owned WABAs** query. This will return your WABA ID, which you can save to your environment and then use to determine your business phone number ID. ## Permissions The API technically only relies on two permissions, but since you're likely going to be using the API to generate assets in order to send messages using our other APIs, we recommend that you grant your these three permissions: - business_management - whatsapp_business_management - whatsapp_business_messaging Note that if you get a user access token from the app dashboard, it automatically grants your app all three of these permissions. ## Access Token Debugger You can paste your token into the [access token debugger](https://developers.intern.facebook.com/tools/debug/accesstoken/) to see what type of token it is and what permission you have granted to your app. ## Pagination Endpoints that return lists/collections may [paginate results](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/results) (you'll see **previous** and **next** properties in the response). Use the URLs from these properties to get the previous or next set of results. Note that if you click one of these links in Postman, it will open a new query in a new tab which you must save before running (otherwise it can't read your environment variables), so you may wish to cut and paste the URL and run the query in the same tab in which it was returned.

Business Operations


Zuora API Reference: Collections

This is a generated connector for [Zuora Collections API V1](https://www.zuora.com/developer/collect-api/#) OpenAPI specification. This reference provides detailed descriptions about functions, requests, and responses of the APIs for the following two component apps. Rest APIs for other component apps will be included in this reference when they are released. - Advanced Payment Manager - Collections Window - Configurable Payment Retry - Statement Generator

Business Operations


Xero Identity

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Xero Identity. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.



Workday customerAccounts

This is a generated connector for [WorkDay Customer Accounts REST API v1](https://community.workday.com/sites/default/files/file-hosting/restapi/index.html) OpenAPI specification. The customer accounts service enables applications to access customer accounts information including customers, invoices, adjustments, and payments.

Business Operations


Workday Connect

This is a generated connector for [WorkDay Connect Service REST API v1](https://community.workday.com/sites/default/files/file-hosting/restapi/index.html) OpenAPI specification. The WorkDay connect service enables applications to access REST service for Multichannel Collaboration (MCC) services.

Business Operations


Xero Accounting

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Xero Accounting. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.



Workday Compensation

This is a generated connector for [WorkDay Compensation REST API v1](https://community.workday.com/sites/default/files/file-hosting/restapi/index.html) OpenAPI specification. The Workday compensation service enables applications to extend Workday's HCM compensation features.

Business Operations


Workday Common

This is a generated connector for [WorkDay Common Service REST API v1](https://community.workday.com/sites/default/files/file-hosting/restapi/index.html) OpenAPI specification. The WorkDay common service enables applications to access REST service for common resources shared by multiple product areas.

Business Operations


Workday Absence Management

This is a generated connector for [WorkDay AbsenceManagement REST API v1](https://community.workday.com/sites/default/files/file-hosting/restapi/index.html) OpenAPI specification. The Absence Management service enables applications to access worker information about leaves of absence and time off details.



Workday Accounts Payable

This is a generated connector for [WorkDay Accounts Payable REST API v1](https://community.workday.com/sites/default/files/file-hosting/restapi/index.html) OpenAPI specification. The WorkDay accounts payable service enables applications to access information related to accounts payable.



Workday businessProcess

This is a generated connector for [WorkDay Business Process REST API v1](https://community.workday.com/sites/default/files/file-hosting/restapi/index.html) OpenAPI specification. The WorkDay business process service enables applications to access information on event actions and details

Business Operations


Workday Accounts Payable

This is a generated connector for [WorkDay Accounts Payable REST API v1](https://community.workday.com/sites/default/files/file-hosting/restapi/index.html) OpenAPI specification. The WorkDay accounts payable service enables applications to access information related to accounts payable.



Workday Absence Management

This is a generated connector for [WorkDay AbsenceManagement REST API v1](https://community.workday.com/sites/default/files/file-hosting/restapi/index.html) OpenAPI specification. The Absence Management service enables applications to access worker information about leaves of absence and time off details.



Whatsapp CloudAPI

Welcome to the WhatsApp Business Platform Cloud API from Meta. Individual developers and Business Service Providers (BSPs) can now send and receive messages using a cloud-hosted version of the WhatsApp Business Platform API. Compared to the previous solutions, Cloud API is simpler to use and is a more cost-effective way for businesses to use WhatsApp. Whether you’re a business or a BSP, Cloud API provides great benefits when compared to WhatsApp On-Premises API. So let's get started! # Installation ## Quick Installation Use the `Run in Postman` button below or at the top right corner of the documentation to import this collection into your local Postman app. | | | | --- | --- | | [<figure editor="[object Object]"><div contenteditable="false"><div><img src="https://run.pstmn.io/button.svg" alt=""><div><div><div></div></div><div><div></div></div></div></div></div></figure>](https://app.getpostman.com/run-collection/13382743-84d01ff8-4253-4720-b454-af661f36acc2?action=collection%2Ffork&collection-url=entityId%3D13382743-84d01ff8-4253-4720-b454-af661f36acc2%26entityType%3Dcollection%26workspaceId%3Da31742be-ce5c-4b9d-a828-e10ee7f7a5a3) | Click to fork WhatsApp Cloud API into your workspace. | # Environment This collection includes pre-configured environments. To use the pre-configured environment for Cloud API, select **Cloud API** from the environment drop down list box at the top right corner of Postman. This automatically populates the correct environment variables listed in the table below. To run requests in the [Get Started](#01e24b28-7896-4aee-946c-210b6945e50b) guide using a custom environment, you need to set the listed variables in the following table to values in your custom environment: | Name | Description | | --- | --- | | `Version` | Latest [Graph API version](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/). For example: **`v15.0`** | | `User-Access-Token` | Your user access token after signing up at [developers.facebook.com](https://developers.facebook.com). | | `WABA-ID` | Your WhatsApp Business Account (WABA) ID. | | `Phone-Number-ID` | ID for the phone number connected to the WhatsApp Business API. You can get this with a [Get Phone Number ID request](https://3184f675-d289-46f1-88e5-e2b11549c418). | | `Business-ID` | Your Business' ID. Once you have your Phone-Number-ID, make a [Get Business Profile request](#99fd3743-46cf-46c4-95b5-431c6a4eb0b0) to get your Business' ID. | | `Recipient-Phone-Number` | Phone number that you want to send a WhatsApp message to. | | `Media-ID` | ID for the media to [send a media message](#0a632754-3788-43bf-b785-ac6a73423d5a) or [media template message](#439c926a-8a6c-4972-ab2c-d99297716da9) to your customers. | | `Media-URL` | URL for the media to [download media content](#cbe5ece3-246c-48f3-b338-074187dfef66). | | `Upload-ID` | Session ID for uploading data (images) to Meta using [Resumable Upload API](https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/13382743/UVC5FTHT?fbclid=IwAR083mCseNzJm-JgxlIQbdF30hkAbEOHkbBaw9bA7-isGKU6uwtq1RJKc0o#ec2c5110-134c-4f2d-ba13-4d33ad13d1df). | # Changelog For information relating to what has changed in the WhatsApp Business Platform, see [WhatsApp Business Platform Changelog](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/business-platform/changelog#october-6--2022). # What's New for Cloud API This section covers new features and updates for WhatsApp Business Platform Cloud API Postman collection. ## December 13th 2022 The following features are now available on the Cloud API, hosted by Meta, with no upgrades necessary: **Improved Media Link Caching** For Media message sends using links, the Cloud API now supports HTTP Caching Protocol. This allows businesses to set their preferred caching options and communicate them with the Cloud API by setting relevant HTTP Headers. To learn more about media link caching, see [Media HTTP Caching](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/guides/send-messages#media-http-caching). **Reduction for Webhook Retry Policy** Cloud API calls the businesses Webhook to notify the business of message deliveries, reads, and replies. If the Webhook is down for any reason Cloud API previously retried notifying the Webhook for up to 30 days. Going forward we have reduced this number to 7 days. For more information, see our [developer documentation](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/guides/set-up-webhooks#webhook-delivery-failure). **New media endpoint that checks ownership permissions** Introducing a new optional media endpoint parameter for verifying media ownership on a phone number level, which allows for differentiation for types of media owned by a specific phone number. For more information, see **API Reference**\>>**Media**: - **Retrieve Media URL** - **Delete Media** ## November 3rd 2022 **Messages Per Second** Cloud API now supports up to 500 (up from 350) messages per second (MPS) of combined text and media messages, by request. For more information, see [Throughput](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/overview#throughput) for details. If you already have 350 MPS it will be increased to 500 MPS automatically. If you already requested 350 MPS but the process has not been completed, you will receive 500 MPS upon completion. **Document Captions** Cloud API now supports captions on documents sent to and received from customers. For more information, see [Media Object](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/reference/messages#media-object). **Error Codes** We have updated our error codes documentation to be more actionable. There have been some changes to existing error codes in Graph API **`v15.0`** and above. Some error titles also have been updated. For more information, see [Error Codes](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/support/error-codes). ## October 6th 2022 **Graph API v15 update** WhatsApp Cloud API has been updated for Graph API version 15.0. The `Version` environment variable for environment **Cloud API \[Cloud API\]** has been automatically updated to **`v15.0`**. **Embedded Signup** Embedded Signup now supports mobile web browsers. The user interface will automatically optimize for a mobile experience when it detects that the viewer is using a mobile web browser. **Callback Override** You can now use different callback URLs for each of your WhatsApp Business Accounts without having to create a unique app for each WhatsApp Business Account. See [Overriding the Callback URL](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/embedded-signup/webhooks#overriding-the-callback-url) for details. **Message Templates** Text parameters (**`messages.parameters.text`**) for message templates that only use a body component (**`messages.type:body`**) can now total up to 32,768 characters. For more information, see [Parameters object](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/reference/messages#parameter-object). **Messages Per Second** Cloud API now supports up to 350 (up from 250) messages per second (MPS) of combined text and media messages, by request. For more information, see [Throughput](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/overview#throughput) for details. If you already have 250 MPS it will be increased to 350 MPS automatically. If you already requested 250 MPS but the process has not been completed, you will receive 350 MPS upon completion. ## September 22nd 2022 - Reaction Messages and Business Profile The September 22nd 2022 release contains the following features: **Reactions** You can now send and receive reactions on messages. Additionally, we have also added Webhook support for reaction messages. The new API request has been added to **API Reference**\>>**Messages**\>>**Send Reply with Reaction Message**. **Business Profile** The **`about`** field on business profiles is now supported. For more information, see [Business Profiles](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/reference/business-profiles). ## August 25th 2022 - Products and Services and Animated Sticker support The August 25th 2022 release contains the following features: **Products and Services** Two new Product and Services API requests have been added to **API Reference**\>>**Messages**: - **Send Single Product Message** - **Send Multi-Product Message** Additionally, there are two new Product related Webhooks: - **Received Product Enquiry Message** - **Received Order Messages** For overview information, see [Sell Product and Services](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/guides/sell-products-and-services). **Animated Stickers** You can now include animated stickers in outbound, business-initiated messages and receive Webhooks describing those messages the same way you would if you were sending a non-animated sticker. Refer to the **API Reference**\>>**Messages**\>>**Message Object** sticker property and for sticker asset requirements. #### August 17th 2022 - Resumable Upload API requests for updating your business profile picture WhatsApp Cloud API now has three new requests in **API Reference**\>>**Business Profiles**: - **Resumable Upload - Create an Upload Session** - **Resumable Upload - Upload File Data** - **Resumable Upload - Query File Upload Status** These requests simplify uploading profile pictures to Meta. You can now get a **`profile_picture_handle`** that you can use to update pictures. ## August 2nd 2022 - Graph API v14 update WhatsApp Cloud API has been updated for Graph API version 14.0. The `Version` environment variable for environment **Cloud API \[Cloud API\]** has been automatically updated to **`v14.0`**. ## July 21st 2022 The July 2022 release contains the following features: - Businesses can now reply to any message in a conversation thread. Replies will include a contextual bubble referencing the replied-to message. Refer to the [Send Messages](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/guides/send-messages#replies) guide to learn how to reply to a message. For more information on the new Postman Reply-To Requests, see [API <b>Reference</b>&gt;&gt;<b>Messages</b>](https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/13382743/UVC5FTHT#1f4f7644-cc97-40b5-b8e4-c19da268fff1). For our WhatsApp Cloud API developer docs, see [<b>Reference</b>&gt;&gt;<b>Messages</b>](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/reference/messages). - WhatsApp Cloud API now supports up to 250 messages per second (MPS) of combined sending and receiving (inclusive of text and media messages). If you are an enterprise partner you can open a Direct Support ticket to request 250 MPS throughput by selecting Question Topic: "**Cloud API Issues**", Request Type: "**Request to migrate to 250 MPS throughput**" and fill out the required information. ## May 2022 Existing direct partners and Business Service Providers (BSPs) can now send and receive messages using a cloud-hosted version of the WhatsApp Business API. Compared to On-Premises API, the Cloud-based API is simpler to use and is a more cost-effective way for businesses to use WhatsApp.

Business Operations


Vonage Number Insight API

This is a generated connector for [Vonage Number Insight API v1.0.10](https://nexmo-api-specification.herokuapp.com/number-insight) OpenAPI specification. The Number Insight API delivers real-time intelligence about the validity, reachability and roaming status of a phone number and tells you how to format the number correctly in your application. There are three levels of Number Insight API available: [Basic, Standard and Advanced](https://developer.nexmo.com/number-insight/overview#basic-standard-and-advanced-apis). The advanced API is available asynchronously as well as synchronously. More Number Insight API documentation is at https://developer.nexmo.com/number-insight/overview#number-insight-api-overview.

Business Operations


The New York Times Article Search API

This is a generated connector for [New York Times Article Search API v1.0.0](https://developer.nytimes.com/docs/articlesearch-product/1/overview) OpenAPI specification. With the Article Search API, you can search New York Times articles from Sept. 18, 1851 to today, retrieving headlines, abstracts, lead paragraphs, links to associated multimedia and other article metadata. Use the Article Search API to look up articles by keyword. You can refine your search using filters and facets.



Unlimit BaaS

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Unlimit BaaS. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.



The New York Times

This is a generated connector for [New York Times Archive API v1.0.0](https://developer.nytimes.com/docs/archive-product/1/overview) OpenAPI specification. With the New York Times Archive API you can get all NYTimes article metadata for a given month. The Archive API returns an array of NYT articles for a given month, going back to 1851. Its response fields are the same as the Article Search API. The Archive API is very useful if you want to build your own database of NYT article metadata. You simply pass the API the year and month and it returns all articles for that month. The response size can be large (~20mb).




This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Telemoney. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.



Square Connect

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Square Connect. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.




Sportradar's Badminton API v2 provides real-time match updates and a database of supplementary statistics. Data is collected via Sportradar on-venue scouts and in-house operators. The API is consistent in structure, format, and behavior with the other General Sport APIs. Primary feeds will return seasons, competitions, team and player data, and real-time scores. The easiest way to get started with the API is to click the fork button to fork this collection to your own workspace and use Postman to send requests. # Overview 1. You need a valid API Key to send requests to the API endpoints. You can get your free trial key by registering an account and creating an application from our [Developer Portal](https://developer.sportradar.com/). 2. Once you have your sport specific key, replace the value `{Your API Key}` with your API key and click the save icon (or click the Meatballs Menu and select "Save") 3. By default, responses to every request are sent in JSON. If you prefer XML, you can change the variable by clicking the "Variables" tab and replacing the Current Value for format to xml. 4. Select an endpoint from the Badminton v2 menu on the left, then click "Send" on the resulting screen. 5. The API calls will respond with appropriate [HTTP response codes](https://developer.sportradar.com/docs/read/Home#http-response-codes) for all requests. Within Postman Client, when a response is received, the status code is highlighted and is accompanied by a help text that indicates the possible meaning of the response code. A 200 OK indicates all went well, while 4XX or 5XX response codes indicate an error from the requesting client or our API servers respectively. 6. Data for the requested endpoint is displayed in the Body section below. # Other Resources The [API Map](https://developer.sportradar.com/docs/read/baseline_sports_coverage/Badminton_v2#badminton-v2-api-map) on our Developer Portal illustrates how to obtain the parameters you will need to access the API. The [Statistics Summary](https://developer.sportradar.com/files/Sportradar_Badminton_v2_Statistics_Summary.pdf) provides a high-level overview of all the data points provided within the whole API, giving you an “at a glance” view of the data we offer. The [Documentation](https://developer.sportradar.com/files/Sportradar_Badminton_v2_Statistics_Feeds.pdf) provides a list of endpoints for the API with basic descriptions. When applicable, we include information on the Coverage Levels provided for the API. This document also includes descriptions of each data point and information about where each data point can be found within the API. The OpenAPI specification for this API can be found in the APIs tab within Postman, or you can explore the swagger interface on the web [here](https://api.sportradar.com/badminton/trial/v2/openapi/swagger/index.html). [Frequently Asked Questions](https://developer.sportradar.com/docs/read/baseline_sports_coverage/Badminton_v2#frequently-asked-questions) about the API can be found on the Developer Portal and in the Documentation mentioned above. The [Change Log](https://developer.sportradar.com/files/Badminton_API_v2_Change_Log.pdf) provides a list of changes and updates to this version of the API since the initial release of the API version. If you need further information, contact our support team: Email: [support@sportradar.com](mailto:support@sportradar.com)

Developer Tools



This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Slack. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.

Business Operations


Sinch Conversation API

This is a generated connector for [Sinch Conversation API v1.0](https://www.sinch.com/) OpenAPI specification. Send and receive messages globally over SMS, RCS, WhatsApp, Viber Business, Facebook messenger and other popular channels using the Sinch Conversation API. The Conversation API endpoint uses built-in transcoding to give you the power of conversation across all supported channels and, if required, full control over channel specific features.



Sinch Calling API

This is a generated connector for [Sinch Voice API v1.0.0](https://www.sinch.com/) OpenAPI specification. The Calling API exposes calling- and conference-related functionality in the Sinch Voice Platform.




This is a generated connector for [Sinch SMS API v1](https://www.sinch.com/) OpenAPI specification. Sinch SMS API is the one of the easiest APIs we offer and enables you to add fast and reliable global SMS to your applications. It allows for sending single messages, scheduled batch sending, message templates and "Only list messages sent from this sender number. Multiple originating numbers can be comma separated.



Siemens IoT File API

This is a generated connector from [Siemens IoT File Service API](https://developer.mindsphere.io/apis/core-identitymanagement/api-identitymanagement-overview.html) OpenAPI Specification. The IoT File API enables storing and retrieving files for asset (entity) instances.

Business Operations


Siemens Identity Management API

This is a generated connector from [Siemens identity management API](https://developer.mindsphere.io/apis/core-identitymanagement/api-identitymanagement-overview.html) OpenAPI Specification. The Identity Management API provides a means form managing users, groups and OAuth clients.<br> The user and group management is based on SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management).<br><br> <i>Note:</i> Unless stated otherwise the Identity Management APIs allow each caller only to act within the context of the tenant to which the caller belong's to.</br> <i>Note2:</i> UIAM stands for User Identity Access Management, since users and providers are separated in system. Therefore this API documentation is related to users generally.



SAP Customer Service

This is a generated connector for [SAPS4HANA Intelligent Trade Claims Management API v1.0.0](https://help.sap.com/viewer/902b9d277dfe48fea582d28849d54935/CURRENT/en-US) OpenAPI specification. In SAPS4HANA Intelligent Trade Claims Management, the customer service allows you to access their customers retailer and distributor information.

Business Operations


Siemens Anomaly Detection API

This is a generated connector from [Siemens Analytics Anomaly Detection API](https://developer.mindsphere.io/apis/analytics-anomalydetection/api-anomalydetection-overview.html) OpenAPI Specification. The Anomaly Detection Service aims to automatically detect unexpected behaviour of processes and assets using time series data and provides API to train model and use it for anomaly detection. In the Interactive mode Analytic Model Management service is used as model storage. Model expiration date is set to 14 days.

Business Operations


SAP Customer Hierarchy Service

This is a generated connector for [SAP Intelligent Trade Claims Management API v1.0.0](https://help.sap.com/viewer/902b9d277dfe48fea582d28849d54935/CURRENT/en-US) OpenAPI specification. In SAP Intelligent Trade Claims Management, users can group and organize their customers and nodes and assign them to a customer hierarchy.

Business Operations


SAP Agreement Service

This is a generated connector for [SAP Intelligent Trade Claims Management API v1.0.0](https://help.sap.com/viewer/902b9d277dfe48fea582d28849d54935/CURRENT/en-US) OpenAPI specification. In SAP Intelligent Trade Claims Management, agreements are used as contractual commitments or obligations to calculate accruals and promotion eligibility.

Developer Tools
Business Operations


SAP Approval API

This is a generated connector for [SAP Fieldglass Approval API API v1.0.0](https://api.sap.com/api/approvals/resource) OpenAPI specification. The SAP Fieldglass Approval API allows clients to approve or reject SAP Fieldglass work items. Clients retrieve the work items pending an approval action from the authenticated user and return the workflow action to be performed (either approve or reject). The list and details provided by the SAP Fieldglass API give clients the ability to present work items for approval to their users with the level of detail needed to make an informed approval decision and the mechanism to return the approval or rejection decision.

Business Operations



Omnicomm Clickhouse API specification



SAP Account Receivable Open Item Service

This is a generated connector for [SAP Intelligent Trade Claims Management API v1.0.0](https://help.sap.com/viewer/902b9d277dfe48fea582d28849d54935/CURRENT/en-US) OpenAPI specification. A user in SAP Intelligent Trade Claims Management can create and update existing accounts receivable open items within SAP Intelligent Trade Claims Management. Accounts receivable open items contribute to baseline information for claims to be built.

Developer Tools
Business Operations



This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Quickbooks. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.



SAP Account Receivable Open Item Service

This is a generated connector for [SAP Intelligent Trade Claims Management API v1.0.0](https://help.sap.com/viewer/902b9d277dfe48fea582d28849d54935/CURRENT/en-US) OpenAPI specification. A user in SAP Intelligent Trade Claims Management can create and update existing accounts receivable open items within SAP Intelligent Trade Claims Management. Accounts receivable open items contribute to baseline information for claims to be built.

Developer Tools
Business Operations


Open AI

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Open AI. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.

Developer Tools


Plaid CoreExchange

Endpoints for the Core Exchange (CX) API for data providers. Quickly implement data access in alignment with the Financial Data Exchange (FDX) API specification. Product details: [https://plaid.com/data-connectivity-core-exchange/](https://plaid.com/data-connectivity-core-exchange/) API docs: [https://plaid.github.io/core-exchange/](https://plaid.github.io/core-exchange/) If you're a Plaid customer and not a Plaid data provider, you're probably looking for the Plaid API Endpoints collection instead :-).[<br>](https://plaid.com/data-connectivity-core-exchange/#contactForm)

Developer Tools



This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Omron. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.




This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Olin. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.



Okta Admin Management

Allows customers to easily access the Okta Management APIs Contact Support: Name: Okta Developer Team Email: devex-public@okta.com




The Freight Audit Service API provides access to a service for verifying freight invoices against user-defined rules. This service matches the data from carrier freight invoices with customer shipment data (Bill of Lading) submitted in requests. It facilitates both synchronous and asynchronous processing of freight invoices. As a result of the service's execution, users receive comprehensive details regarding the status of freight invoices, any errors identified by the service, and, if successful, a list of approved charges ready for payment to the carrier.



Okta Privileged Access

The OPA API is a control plane used to request operations in Okta Privileged Access (formerly ScaleFT/Advanced Server Access) Contact Support: Name: Okta Support Email: support@okta.com



Okta OpenID Connect & OAuth

OAuth 2.0 Protocol APIs Contact Support: Name: Okta Developer Team Email: devex-public@okta.com



Okra API

# Hello there! Welcome to the API reference for Okra's financial APIs! ## About Okra Okra provides the infrastructure layer that powers the next wave of financial innovation by unlocking the power of Open Finance. Okra connects to thousands of banks using a secure open API, removing the complexity and enabling seamless access to financial information and payment infrastructure. ## About the API reference The API documentation is stored in an [OpenAPI v3.0 specification](https://swagger.io/specification/) file, using JSON format. ## Resources To learn more about Okra's APIs and how you can integrate with them, check out the [documentation](https://docs.okra.ng/).



Octane Academy

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Octane Academy. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.



Octorate Integration Central

<h2>Introduction</h2> The Octorate Api is made up by REST calls. Our API follows common predictable resource-oriented URLS, accept query params bodies and returns JSON-encoded response. It uses these following standard verbs: - POST - DELETE - PATCH - GET And the usually given HTTP Response code (200, 404, etc.., <b>check glossary of common errors for details</b>) You can use our Api in test mode, that means that interacting with them doesn't effect the listings or the content of the user. The Authentication according to the agreement you've got with us is usually performed through an Oauth code that has a limited temporary expiration. As secondary authentication method we may accept also an "Api Key". The authentication must be provided in every http calls you made inside the HEADER. <h2>Manual And tutorials</h2> Please refer to the upper link <a href="./">Integration Central</a> to see tutorial, FAQ and quick start guides <h2>Glossary of commons errors</h2> <table style="width: 100%; margin-top:10px"> <tr style="background-color: #c5c5c5"> <td>Code</td><td>Full Name</td><td>Detailed description</td><td>Way to fix it</td></tr><tr style="background-color: #c5c5c5"> <td colspan="4" style="alignment: center"><b>Category 400 - Errors in your request</b></td></tr><tr> <td>400</td><td>Bad Request</td><td>Generic Bad request errors that means that content you've given to the server was rejected either by the server or the application server. </td><td>Check the format of your request and whether you're providing the right content-type headers.</td></tr><tr> <td>400</td><td>ApiParamsExemption</td><td>Application server accepted the call, but the validation of the params failed, means that you're presenting you're request to the right endpoint and with the right format, but the content is the issue there and you're missing some required param or the value is not acceptable.. </td><td>Check carefully the details to check what's missing or not set corretcly, recheck examples.</td></tr><tr> <td>400</td><td>JsonParseExemption</td><td>Probably the endpoint is right, the content type is right, but you've given a malformed json, check in a json validator online if your json structure is right.. </td><td>Use an online tool to validate your json and check where was malformed.</td></tr><tr> <td>400</td><td>ApiValidationFailed</td><td>You're request is good, your content is good, all required params are given, but it failes our internal constraints (For instance this call can be wellformed but you missed some required calls before) </td><td>Please check the content inside or push the other content that misses.</td></tr><tr style="background-color:#c5c5c5"> <td colspan="4" style="alignment: center"><b>Category 401 - Permission issues</b></td></tr><tr> <td>401</td><td>ApiKeyMissing</td><td>You've not given the access key at all</td><td>Check the headers of your call</td></tr><tr> <td>401</td><td>ApiKeyInvalid</td><td>You're presenting the api key, but this api key is wrong</td><td>Check whether the api key provided is the right one (or the access token)</td></tr><tr style="background-color: #c5c5c5"> <td colspan="4" style="alignment: center"><b>Category 403 - Access Forbidden </b></td></tr><tr> <td>403</td><td>ApiSecurityException</td><td>You have not the permission to access the requested resource (i.e. you're trying to get access of the resource not owned by the provided property) </td><td>Check if the resource is the wanted you want to access. If it is a new customer you may ask the user with oauth to the auth to access this resource </td></tr><tr> <td>403</td><td>ApiQuotaException</td><td>You've reached your quota limits</td><td>Wait for new quota, optimize your calls in order to do as few as you can</td></tr><tr> <td>403</td><td>WrongEnviroment</td><td>You are trying to execute a production call in sandbox or viceversa or in the wrong enviroment</td><td>Check where are you trying to execute your call</td></tr><tr style="background-color: #c5c5c5"> <td colspan="4" style="alignment: center"><b>Category 404 - Resource not found/available</b></td></tr><tr> <td>404</td><td>NotFound (no json details provided)</td><td>This error tells you that you're trying to call a link that doesn't exists. It can also means that the sandbox env. is not reacheable </td><td>Try in a few minutes if you're working on sandbox. Check the link you're calling, the slash, the endpoint and the typos. </td></tr><tr> <td>404</td><td>ApiResourceMissing</td><td>This error tells you a specific resource doesn't exist. It's possible that the resource has been moved or deleted, or that there's a typo in your request. </td><td>Make sure the resource exists.</td></tr><tr> <td>404</td><td>ApiResourceEmpty</td><td>Used in content in order to allow you to understand that the relative object/resource was never filled at tall </td><td>Try pushing the resource.</td></tr><tr style="background-color: #c5c5c5"> <td colspan="4" style="alignment: center"><b>Category 405 - Method not allowed</b></td></tr><tr> <td>405</td><td>MethodNotAllowed</td><td>The requested method and resource are not compatible. See the Allow header for this resource's available methods. This error means that the requested resource does not support the HTTP method you used. </td><td>Find out which methods are allowed (GET,POST,etc...) for each resource in the API Reference</td></tr><tr style="background-color: #c5c5c5"> <td colspan="4" style="alignment: center"><b>Category 422 - Unprocessable entity</b></td></tr><tr> <td>422</td><td>ApiResourceMissing</td><td>The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors.</td><td></td></tr><tr style="background-color: #c5c5c5"> <td colspan="4" style="alignment: center"><b>Category 5xx - Application/Server issues</b></td></tr><tr> <td>500</td><td>InternalServerError</td><td>An unexpected internal error has occurred.</td><td>Please contact Support for more information.</td></tr><tr> <td>550</td><td>ApiPartnerServerError</td><td>One of our partner that was called to take in charge the request has failed to execute it.</td><td>please check the details to try to understand why, feel free to contact the partner or octorate at second stage. </td></tr></table> Contact Support: Email: tech@octorate.com

Business Operations


Nylas API

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Nylas API. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.

Developer Tools


OCPI OpenAPI definition

This is a generated connector for [OCPI v2.2](https://evroaming.org/app/uploads/2020/06/OCPI-2.2-d2.pdf) OpenAPI specification. The Open Charge Point Interface (OCPI) enables a scalable, automated EV roaming setup between Charge Point Operators and e-Mobility Service Providers. It supports authorization, charge point information exchange (including live status updates and transaction events), charge detail record exchange, remote charge point commands and the exchange of smart-charging related information between parties.



NY Times Most Popular API

This is a generated connector from [New York Times Most Popular API v2.0.0](https://developer.nytimes.com/docs/most-popular-product/1/overview) OpenAPI specification. With the New York Times Most Popular API you can get popular articles on NYTimes.com. The Most Popular API provides services for getting the most popular articles on NYTimes.com based on emails, shares, or views.

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