Welcome to the WhatsApp Business Platform Cloud API from Meta. Individual developers and Business Service Providers (BSPs) can now send and receive messages using a cloud-hosted version of the WhatsApp Business Platform API. Compared to the previous solutions, Cloud API is simpler to use and is a more cost-effective way for businesses to use WhatsApp. Whether you’re a business or a BSP, Cloud API provides great benefits when compared to WhatsApp On-Premises API. So let's get started! # Installation ## Quick Installation Use the `Run in Postman` button below or at the top right corner of the documentation to import this collection into your local Postman app. | | | | --- | --- | | [<figure editor="[object Object]"><div contenteditable="false"><div><img src="https://run.pstmn.io/button.svg" alt=""><div><div><div></div></div><div><div></div></div></div></div></div></figure>](https://app.getpostman.com/run-collection/13382743-84d01ff8-4253-4720-b454-af661f36acc2?action=collection%2Ffork&collection-url=entityId%3D13382743-84d01ff8-4253-4720-b454-af661f36acc2%26entityType%3Dcollection%26workspaceId%3Da31742be-ce5c-4b9d-a828-e10ee7f7a5a3) | Click to fork WhatsApp Cloud API into your workspace. | # Environment This collection includes pre-configured environments. To use the pre-configured environment for Cloud API, select **Cloud API** from the environment drop down list box at the top right corner of Postman. This automatically populates the correct environment variables listed in the table below. To run requests in the [Get Started](#01e24b28-7896-4aee-946c-210b6945e50b) guide using a custom environment, you need to set the listed variables in the following table to values in your custom environment: | Name | Description | | --- | --- | | `Version` | Latest [Graph API version](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/). For example: **`v15.0`** | | `User-Access-Token` | Your user access token after signing up at [developers.facebook.com](https://developers.facebook.com). | | `WABA-ID` | Your WhatsApp Business Account (WABA) ID. | | `Phone-Number-ID` | ID for the phone number connected to the WhatsApp Business API. You can get this with a [Get Phone Number ID request](https://3184f675-d289-46f1-88e5-e2b11549c418). | | `Business-ID` | Your Business' ID. Once you have your Phone-Number-ID, make a [Get Business Profile request](#99fd3743-46cf-46c4-95b5-431c6a4eb0b0) to get your Business' ID. | | `Recipient-Phone-Number` | Phone number that you want to send a WhatsApp message to. | | `Media-ID` | ID for the media to [send a media message](#0a632754-3788-43bf-b785-ac6a73423d5a) or [media template message](#439c926a-8a6c-4972-ab2c-d99297716da9) to your customers. | | `Media-URL` | URL for the media to [download media content](#cbe5ece3-246c-48f3-b338-074187dfef66). | | `Upload-ID` | Session ID for uploading data (images) to Meta using [Resumable Upload API](https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/13382743/UVC5FTHT?fbclid=IwAR083mCseNzJm-JgxlIQbdF30hkAbEOHkbBaw9bA7-isGKU6uwtq1RJKc0o#ec2c5110-134c-4f2d-ba13-4d33ad13d1df). | # Changelog For information relating to what has changed in the WhatsApp Business Platform, see [WhatsApp Business Platform Changelog](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/business-platform/changelog#october-6--2022). # What's New for Cloud API This section covers new features and updates for WhatsApp Business Platform Cloud API Postman collection. ## December 13th 2022 The following features are now available on the Cloud API, hosted by Meta, with no upgrades necessary: **Improved Media Link Caching** For Media message sends using links, the Cloud API now supports HTTP Caching Protocol. This allows businesses to set their preferred caching options and communicate them with the Cloud API by setting relevant HTTP Headers. To learn more about media link caching, see [Media HTTP Caching](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/guides/send-messages#media-http-caching). **Reduction for Webhook Retry Policy** Cloud API calls the businesses Webhook to notify the business of message deliveries, reads, and replies. If the Webhook is down for any reason Cloud API previously retried notifying the Webhook for up to 30 days. Going forward we have reduced this number to 7 days. For more information, see our [developer documentation](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/guides/set-up-webhooks#webhook-delivery-failure). **New media endpoint that checks ownership permissions** Introducing a new optional media endpoint parameter for verifying media ownership on a phone number level, which allows for differentiation for types of media owned by a specific phone number. For more information, see **API Reference**\>>**Media**: - **Retrieve Media URL** - **Delete Media** ## November 3rd 2022 **Messages Per Second** Cloud API now supports up to 500 (up from 350) messages per second (MPS) of combined text and media messages, by request. For more information, see [Throughput](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/overview#throughput) for details. If you already have 350 MPS it will be increased to 500 MPS automatically. If you already requested 350 MPS but the process has not been completed, you will receive 500 MPS upon completion. **Document Captions** Cloud API now supports captions on documents sent to and received from customers. For more information, see [Media Object](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/reference/messages#media-object). **Error Codes** We have updated our error codes documentation to be more actionable. There have been some changes to existing error codes in Graph API **`v15.0`** and above. Some error titles also have been updated. For more information, see [Error Codes](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/support/error-codes). ## October 6th 2022 **Graph API v15 update** WhatsApp Cloud API has been updated for Graph API version 15.0. The `Version` environment variable for environment **Cloud API \[Cloud API\]** has been automatically updated to **`v15.0`**. **Embedded Signup** Embedded Signup now supports mobile web browsers. The user interface will automatically optimize for a mobile experience when it detects that the viewer is using a mobile web browser. **Callback Override** You can now use different callback URLs for each of your WhatsApp Business Accounts without having to create a unique app for each WhatsApp Business Account. See [Overriding the Callback URL](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/embedded-signup/webhooks#overriding-the-callback-url) for details. **Message Templates** Text parameters (**`messages.parameters.text`**) for message templates that only use a body component (**`messages.type:body`**) can now total up to 32,768 characters. For more information, see [Parameters object](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/reference/messages#parameter-object). **Messages Per Second** Cloud API now supports up to 350 (up from 250) messages per second (MPS) of combined text and media messages, by request. For more information, see [Throughput](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/overview#throughput) for details. If you already have 250 MPS it will be increased to 350 MPS automatically. If you already requested 250 MPS but the process has not been completed, you will receive 350 MPS upon completion. ## September 22nd 2022 - Reaction Messages and Business Profile The September 22nd 2022 release contains the following features: **Reactions** You can now send and receive reactions on messages. Additionally, we have also added Webhook support for reaction messages. The new API request has been added to **API Reference**\>>**Messages**\>>**Send Reply with Reaction Message**. **Business Profile** The **`about`** field on business profiles is now supported. For more information, see [Business Profiles](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/reference/business-profiles). ## August 25th 2022 - Products and Services and Animated Sticker support The August 25th 2022 release contains the following features: **Products and Services** Two new Product and Services API requests have been added to **API Reference**\>>**Messages**: - **Send Single Product Message** - **Send Multi-Product Message** Additionally, there are two new Product related Webhooks: - **Received Product Enquiry Message** - **Received Order Messages** For overview information, see [Sell Product and Services](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/guides/sell-products-and-services). **Animated Stickers** You can now include animated stickers in outbound, business-initiated messages and receive Webhooks describing those messages the same way you would if you were sending a non-animated sticker. Refer to the **API Reference**\>>**Messages**\>>**Message Object** sticker property and for sticker asset requirements. #### August 17th 2022 - Resumable Upload API requests for updating your business profile picture WhatsApp Cloud API now has three new requests in **API Reference**\>>**Business Profiles**: - **Resumable Upload - Create an Upload Session** - **Resumable Upload - Upload File Data** - **Resumable Upload - Query File Upload Status** These requests simplify uploading profile pictures to Meta. You can now get a **`profile_picture_handle`** that you can use to update pictures. ## August 2nd 2022 - Graph API v14 update WhatsApp Cloud API has been updated for Graph API version 14.0. The `Version` environment variable for environment **Cloud API \[Cloud API\]** has been automatically updated to **`v14.0`**. ## July 21st 2022 The July 2022 release contains the following features: - Businesses can now reply to any message in a conversation thread. Replies will include a contextual bubble referencing the replied-to message. Refer to the [Send Messages](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/guides/send-messages#replies) guide to learn how to reply to a message. For more information on the new Postman Reply-To Requests, see [API <b>Reference</b>>><b>Messages</b>](https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/13382743/UVC5FTHT#1f4f7644-cc97-40b5-b8e4-c19da268fff1). For our WhatsApp Cloud API developer docs, see [<b>Reference</b>>><b>Messages</b>](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/reference/messages). - WhatsApp Cloud API now supports up to 250 messages per second (MPS) of combined sending and receiving (inclusive of text and media messages). If you are an enterprise partner you can open a Direct Support ticket to request 250 MPS throughput by selecting Question Topic: "**Cloud API Issues**", Request Type: "**Request to migrate to 250 MPS throughput**" and fill out the required information. ## May 2022 Existing direct partners and Business Service Providers (BSPs) can now send and receive messages using a cloud-hosted version of the WhatsApp Business API. Compared to On-Premises API, the Cloud-based API is simpler to use and is a more cost-effective way for businesses to use WhatsApp.
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