# [Get started with these 5 minutes videos!](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiONnRuKRuJBHJoqaN8qx-QKMhYjPf8_s) # MuleSoft Anypoint Platform APIs Every time you login into the MuleSoft Anypoint Platform using the User Interface Portal, you are implicitly calling a set of APIs that are invoked by the UI: the Platform APIs! Instead of UI you can do direct HTTP requests, highly useful When automating your Software Development Lifecycle. They provide you with more flexibility and customization than the Anypoint CLI or the Mule Maven Plugin. - Official documentation of the Platform APIs in the [Platform API Portal](https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/exchange/portals/anypoint-platform/) ## Common Errors - [Invalid CSRF Support Article](https://help.mulesoft.com/s/article/CSRF-Protection-execute-from-Postman) ## Prerequisites Before we start working with platform APIs, you need these three pieces of data: a session token, the organization id and the environment id; as shown in the below image. \*Note Since 2021 It is recommended to use ConnectedApps instead of Username&Password <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/angelalberici/mulesoft-platform-apis/master/img/PlatfromAPIBasics.png" width="700"> ## Environment <p>Make sure you have<a href="https://www.postman.com/)">Postman</a>installed, that you do know how to<a href="https://learning.postman.com/docs/postman/collection-runs/working-with-data-files/#importing-sample-collection-files">import the Postman Collection and the Environment</a>and then you can finally download the Postman assets from this repository. Import both files and make sure to add both anypoint-username and anypoint-password or ConnectedApps-ClientID/ClientSecret to your Postman Environment, the fields highlighted below.</p> This collection pack contains an environment "Anypoint Platform". Set the values before you use any request. You must set the following: - url - \[Recommended: ConnectedApps (ClientID and ClientSecret)\] or \[For TESTING: exceptional account (Username/Password)\] - organization_id All other parameters are optional or related to specific requests. ## Start using That's about it! You can start checking these collections and you will save a lot of time figuring it out yourself! ## Basic Setup Example In the following, find some examples on accessing data using the postman collection pack. For detailed instruction, please watch the quick tutorial video linked below. ## Login to Anypoint Platform Once you have entered to correct parameter values in the environment "Anypoint Platform", you can make use of the "Login to anypoint platform" POST request in the Authentication Folder. This request will save the token bearer to the parameters and use it in all subsequent requests. <img src="https://github.com/API-Activist/anypoint-platform-postman-collection/blob/main/postman-coll-login.PNG?raw=true" width="700"> ## Getting profile Information After you have logged in, you need to get your profile information in order to set the organization_Id. This is set by the "Get profile information" request in the Authentication folder. After execution of this request, the organization_Id parameter is set and relevant for all subsequent requests. <img src="https://github.com/API-Activist/anypoint-platform-postman-collection/blob/main/postman-coll-orgid.PNG?raw=true" width="700"> ## Subsequent request After the basic setup is done, you can now use the majority of the requests in postman with your anypoint platform environment. ## Get all projects In order to access all projects using the collection pack, go to the folder "Design Center/Projects" and select the "Get all projects". Run this request to retrieve all projects within the organization_Id <img src="https://github.com/API-Activist/anypoint-platform-postman-collection/blob/main/postman-coll-projectsall.PNG?raw=true" width="700"> ## Get all assets In order to access all assets using the collection pack, go to the folder "Exchange/Assets" and select the "Get all assets". Run this request to retrieve all projects within the organization_Id <img src="https://github.com/API-Activist/anypoint-platform-postman-collection/blob/main/postman-coll-assetsall.PNG?raw=true" width="700"> ## Invite new users In order to invite new users, go to folder "Management Center/Access Management/Users" and select "Invite new users" request. This is requires to have the group role id, which you need to have prior performing this POST request. To get the group roles go to folder "Management Center/Access Management/Rolegroups" and perform "Get all rolegroups" request to retrieve all rolegroups. <img src="https://github.com/API-Activist/anypoint-platform-postman-collection/blob/main/postman-coll-rolegroups.PNG?raw=true" width="700"> Copy the required role_group_id and name. Go back to the "Invite new users" request and select Body. Enter the copied values to the correct fields. <img src="https://github.com/API-Activist/anypoint-platform-postman-collection/blob/main/postman-coll-inviteuser.PNG?raw=true" width="700"> ## Resources - Official documentation of the Platform APIs in the [Platform API Portal](https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/exchange/portals/anypoint-platform/) - If you are new to the Platform APIs check this [post!](https://blogs.mulesoft.com/dev/howto/get-started-with-platform-apis-and-postman-automation/) ## Authors - [Amir Khan](https://www.linkedin.com/in/amir-khan-ak/) - [Angel Alberici](https://www.linkedin.com/in/angelalberici/) - [Ivan Z.](https://www.linkedin.com/in/ivan-z-apis/) ## Thanks to our awesome contributors - [Ashish Pardhi](https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashishpardhi/) - [Rolando Carrasco](https://www.linkedin.com/in/rolandocarrasco/) - [Amit Ghorpade](https://www.linkedin.com/in/amitghorpadein/) - Management Center -> API Manager -> API Administration -> Manage APIs -> Single API -> POST create an alerts for api ## Contributing to the project - Please read the tutorial in: [https://github.com/forcedotcom/postman-salesforce-apis/blob/master/contributing.md](https://github.com/forcedotcom/postman-salesforce-apis/blob/master/contributing.md) ## Release notes 31st Aug 2023 - Exchange can be access by the Exchange Platform API and by the Exchange GraphQL Platform API. Almost every use case is covered by Exchange Platform API this is in case you want to explore the Exchange GraphQL Platform API due to specific use cases or training - The Folder has been added in: MuleSoft Platform APIs -> Exchange -> GraphQL Exchange Search # Release notes 1st Aug 2023 - Migrated from "MuleSoft Platform APIs" Postman Workspace into "Salesforce Developers" Postman Workspace - Added Folders for Cloudhub 2.0 under Management Center -> Runtime Manager -> Private Spaces, Transit Gateways & Deployment Target - Added Environment Variables for Cloudhub 2.0 including the URL (transit_gateway_id, private_space_id, tls_context_id, target_id, connection_id, vpn_id) - Changed Authentication Mechanism at Root Level (MuleSoft Anypoint Platform APIs) from "None" to Bearer Token of value # Release notes Feb 2022 New Collections in the workspace: Metrics Toolkit, TestDataGeneration, APIM Admin API, Mulesoft-Api-Manager-CI-CD-Postman Added HTTP Requests and Use cases in "Anypoint Platform APIs" 1. ParentPOM, CRUD Teams, OOTB API Manager, ObjectStore & Stats, VPN Status by Ashish Pardhi 2. Hybrid logic (RuntimeManager->Applications->Hybrid by Rolando Carrasco) 3. Auth with ConnectedApps (Access Manager): Don't use Username/Password for CICD Users: Always aim for ConnectedApps! Learn how to set them up here: [Connected Apps | Friends of Max Demonstration](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoxZg0qvyz8) and here [MuleSoft Docs](https://docs.mulesoft.com/access-management/connected-apps-overview#:~:text=The%20Connected%20Apps%20feature%20provides,their%20accounts%20to%20third%20parties) 4. ListPatch by PatchID Version (Runtime Manager): CloudhubAPI list gives you a PatchID... use this endpoint to get details on the Patch (e.g. Date) by Angel 5. CRUD for Business Groups (Access Management) by Ivan Z. 6. CRUD for VPCs and Load Balancers (Runtime Manager) by Ivan Z. Note: BusinessGroups and VPCs are specifically required for CLOUDHUB Automation Tool (CAT), [watch what is it here at 36:29](https://youtu.be/tqgoFmPgl7Y?t=2189). Thank you Ivan Z for adding them ## Disclaimer This is a Community driven and Community supported collection of assets for you to get started with MuleSoft Platform APIs (e.g. Postman concatenation of requests, testing scripts, etc.). This is not Supported by MuleSoft and you cannot open Cases about these Postman APIs. ## License agreement By using this postman collection, you accept that Max the Mule is the coolest integrator on the planet: [Go to biography of Max the Mule](https://brand.salesforce.com/content/characters-overview__3?tab=BogXMx2m)
Versori has established itself as the third generation of Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS). Versori builds custom integrations for its customers using an intuitive visual user interface.
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