This is a generated connector for [Google Manufacturer Center API v1]( OpenAPI specification. Public API for managing Manufacturer Center related data.
As a technology company in the global payments business, we operate the world???s fastest payments processing network, connecting consumers, financial institutions, merchants, governments and businesses in more than 210 countries and territories. Mastercard???s products and solutions make everyday commerce activities ??? such as shopping, traveling, running a business and managing finances ??? easier, more secure and more efficient for everyone. Contact Support: Name: No Contact Email:
Automatic Billing Updater (ABU) is a web service that provides access to updated account credentials (cards). This can be leveraged by Merchant/Acquirers/Payment Service Providers to ensure that they always have their customers’ most up-to-date card credentials on file; the main benefit being a big reduction in declines for recurring and card-on-file payments. This service can be used in two different ways: pulling updates or having updates pushed to an endpoint on the Merchant/Acquirers/Payment Service Provider’s system for account numbers they are watching. Contact Support: Name: API Support Email: [](
This is a generated connector from [HubSpot]( OpenAPI specification. These APIs allow you to interact with HubSpot's Marketing Events Extension.
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the MailerLite API. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the MANRS. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
Makro Academy Courses
This is a generated connector for [Mailscript]( OpenAPI specification. Mailscript API provides the capability to manage emails.
Create real email addresses and phone numbers. Send and receive email and SMS via API and Postman. > Authorize your requests with `x-api-key` header set to your MailSlurp [API KEY]( ## Variables | Variable | Description | | --- | --- | | `baseUrl` | | | `apiKey` | Your [MailSlurp API KEY]( | ## Quick start - [Getting started]( guide - Dashboard [user login]( - Get an [API KEY]( ## Resources - [Developer documentation]( - [Testing guide]( - [Support chat]( - [Report a bug](
Powerful APIs that allow you to send, receive and track email effortlessly. Contact Support: Name: No Contact Email:
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the MailGun. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the MailChimp Marketing. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
This is a generated connector for [Magento REST API v2.2]( OpenAPI specification. The Magento B2B Rest API service enables applications to build and manage a customized commerce store.
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Mailchimp. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Luminator. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
This is a generated connector for [Magento REST API v2.2]( OpenAPI specification. The Magento B2B Rest API service enables applications to build and manage a customized commerce store.
This is a generated connector for [Magento REST Asynchronous API v2.2]( OpenAPI specification. The Magento Asynchronous Customer REST API service enables applications to build and manage the Magento e-commerce platform.
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Maf. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
This is a generated connector for [eBay logistics API v1_beta.0.0]( OpenAPI Specification. This is an API available only to select developers approved by business units.The Logistics API resources offer the following capabilities: shipping_quote Consolidates into a list a set of live shipping rates, or quotes, from which you can select a rate to ship a package. shipment creates a "shipment" for the selected shipping rate. Call createShippingQuote to get a list of live shipping rates. The rates returned are all valid for a specific time window and all quoted prices are at eBay-negotiated rates. Select one of the live rates and using its associated rateId, create a "shipment" for the package by calling createFromShippingQuote. Creating a shipment completes an agreement, and the cost of the base service and any added shipping options are summed into the returned totalShippingCost value. This action also generates a shipping label that you can use to ship the package. The total cost of the shipment is incurred when the package is shipped using the supplied shipping label. Sellers must set up a payment method via their eBay account before they can use the methods in this API to create a shipment and the associated shipping label.
This is a generated connector for [Livestorm API v1]( OpenAPI specification. Client endpoint for Livestorm Public API. Livestorm is a browser based online web conferencing software used to share real-time live streams. It can be used to power remote live meetings, product demos, sales webinars, online lessons, onboarding sessions, more. In addition, all request and response bodies, including errors, are encoded in JSON format.
The LiveStage REST API description
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Leopard Courier API. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
This is a generated connector for [Listen Notes API v2.0]( OpenAPI specification. Simple & no-nonsense podcast search & directory API. Search all podcasts and episodes by people, places, or topics.
The Klaviyo REST API. Please visit for more details. Contact Support: Name: Klaviyo Developer Experience Team Email:
This is a generated connector from [Apideck Lead API v5.3.0]( OpenAPI specification. You can use this API to access all Lead API endpoints.
This is a generated connector for [LaunchDarkly API v2.0]( OpenAPI specification. LaunchDarkly is a feature management platform enables teams to deploy code at any time, even if a feature isn't ready to be released to all users.
Methods for guides, routes and webhooks
REST API сервиса работает по протоколу HTTPS и представляет собой набор методов, с помощью которых совершаются запросы и возвращаются ответы. Все ответы приходят в виде JSON структур. # Версионирование API поддерживает версионирование. Версия API является частью URI и указывается в пути, например /v1/. # Порядок работы с API Для авторизации запросов используется Bearer Authentication Authorization: Bearer <token> ### *Способы получения токена доступа:* - accessToken - когда пользователь прикреплен к приложению (аутентифицирован) получаем после успешной аутентификации # Коды и статусы ответов: ### 2xx: Success: - 200 OK - положительный результат обработки запроса. В теле ответа содержатся данные, соответствующие запросу; - 204 No Content - положительный результат обработки запроса без тела ответа; - ... В этих случаях в теле ответа возвращается следующая структура: ``` { "result": true, "data": { "tokens": { "accessToken": "ZmhnZ2hmZmdodnNkc3Nkcw==", "refreshToken": "ZmhnZ2hmZmdodnNkc3Nkcw==" }, "profile": { "name": "Иван", "role": { "id": 1, "title": "Кладовщик" } } } } ``` ### 4xx: Client Error: В этих случаях в теле ответа возвращается следующая структура: ``` { "result": false, "error": 1234, "error_message": "Не верный логин или пароль" } ``` ### 5xx: Server Error: - 500 - внутренняя ошибка сервера во время обработки запроса; - ...
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Kraken. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Kloxa. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
The Klaviyo REST API. Please visit for more details. Contact Support: Name: Klaviyo Developer Experience Team Email:
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the KOCELA. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Klayo. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Klaviyo. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the JPL SCAN. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Keycloak Client Management. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the KaymbuAPI. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
This is a generated connector for [Keap API v1.70.0.453309-hf-202203291431]( OpenAPI specification. Keap is an all-in-one CRM, sales and marketing automation software that helps organize leads, land the job, get paid, and keep growing.
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Kanastra-tech-hub. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
This is a generated connector for [Karbon API v3.0]( OpenAPI specification. Leverage the Karbon API to integrate your apps with Karbon, build custom solutions, optimize workflows and power your business.
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the kakao. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
API com o objetivo de integrar JPL - Senior.
API com o objetivo de integrar JPL - Altis.
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Jira - Capability - Add Label to Issue. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
This is a generated connector for [ API v1.0.0]( OpenAPI specification. The API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable resource-oriented URLs, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.
OpenAPI for Job Huntz Application
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the JointQuestVerifier. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
Jira Integration API
Jira Integration API
Jira Cloud platform REST API documentation Contact Support: Email: