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MoEngage - Custom templates API

Link to documentation Push - [https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/14801954091156-Overview](https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/14801954091156-OverviewSMS) SMS - [https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/14579504140052-Overview](https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/14579504140052-Overview)



MoEngage - Content - Email Template APIs - v2

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the MoEngage - Content - Email Template APIs - v2. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.



MoEngage - Custom Segment(filter based) CRUD API's

This API collection allows to create, update, get, list a custom segment via an API call. **URL** : [https://api-0X.moengage.com/](https://api-0X.moengage.com/) Each customer is hosted on a different data center, you can find your data center number (value of X), by checking the data center and API endpoint [mapping here](https://help.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/360057030512-Data-Centers-in-MoEngage#01G5DQVXGT2KZMXTJPF77QPJ25). **Where to find DATA API ID and API KEY?** - Username(DATA API ID) and password(DATA API KEY) are available at _**Settings > APIs > DATA API Settings**_. Do the following when you are using the API for the first-time authentication: 1. Navigate to _**Settings > APIs > DATA API Settings**_. 2. Click Generate Key 3. Save the details on the Data APIs settings page. **User name:** DATA API ID **Password:** DATA API KEY Click [here](https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/4405027805844-Custom-File-Segment-API#authentication-0-1) to know more Use the Custom Filter Segment API to: - Create a new Custom Filter Segment - Update filters of existing filter based Custom Segment - Get details of existing filter based Custom Segment - List all existing Filter based Custom Segment Not sure on what is the structure of the payload to be used ? Please login to the Moengage Dashboard and navigate to Test & Debug >> Segment Payload. Here payload can be generated.



MoEngage - Custom Segment API

This API collection allows to create, update, archive, unarchive a custom segment via an API call. Unsure of the content of file? Download a sample - [https://app-cdn.moengage.com/assets/Sample_GAIDs.csv](https://app-cdn.moengage.com/assets/Sample_GAIDs.csvURL) **URL** : [https://api-0X.moengage.com/](https://api-0X.moengage.com/) Each customer is hosted on a different data center, you can find your data center number (value of X), by checking the data center and API endpoint [mapping here](https://help.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/360057030512-Data-Centers-in-MoEngage#01G5DQVXGT2KZMXTJPF77QPJ25). **Where to find DATA API ID and API KEY?** * Username(DATA API ID) and password(DATA API KEY) are available at ***Settings > APIs > DATA API Settings***. Do the following when you are using the API for the first-time authentication: 1. Navigate to ***Settings > APIs > DATA API Settings***. 2. Click Generate Key 3. Save the details on the Data APIs settings page. **User name:** DATA API ID **Password:** DATA API KEY Click [here](https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/4405027805844-Custom-File-Segment-API#authentication-0-1) to know more Use the Custom File Segment API to: * Create a new Custom File Segment * Add Users to an existing Custom Segment * Remove Users from an existing Custom Segment * Replace Users from an existing Custom Segment * Archive an existing Custom Segment * UnArchive an existing Custom Segment. API Documentation - [https://docs.moengage.com/docs/custom-segment-api](https://docs.moengage.com/docs/custom-segment-api)



MoEngage - Custom Segment(filter based) CRUD API's

This API collection allows to create, update, get, list a custom segment via an API call. **URL** : [https://api-0X.moengage.com/](https://api-0X.moengage.com/) Each customer is hosted on a different data center, you can find your data center number (value of X), by checking the data center and API endpoint [mapping here](https://help.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/360057030512-Data-Centers-in-MoEngage#01G5DQVXGT2KZMXTJPF77QPJ25). **Where to find DATA API ID and API KEY?** - Username(DATA API ID) and password(DATA API KEY) are available at _**Settings > APIs > DATA API Settings**_. Do the following when you are using the API for the first-time authentication: 1. Navigate to _**Settings > APIs > DATA API Settings**_. 2. Click Generate Key 3. Save the details on the Data APIs settings page. **User name:** DATA API ID **Password:** DATA API KEY Click [here](https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/4405027805844-Custom-File-Segment-API#authentication-0-1) to know more Use the Custom Filter Segment API to: - Create a new Custom Filter Segment - Update filters of existing filter based Custom Segment - Get details of existing filter based Custom Segment - List all existing Filter based Custom Segment Not sure on what is the structure of the payload to be used ? Please login to the Moengage Dashboard and navigate to Test & Debug >> Segment Payload. Here payload can be generated.



MoEngage - Content - Email Templates

Email Template APIs enables you to fetch, create and update email templates on your MoEngage dashboard. The following APIs are available: 1. [Get all email templates](https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/9465771762836) 2. [Get a specific email template](https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/9465909636884) 3. [Create/update email template](https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/9466025591060) Find API documentation here -[https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/9465764058388-Email-Template-APIs-](https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/9465764058388-Email-Template-APIs-)



MoEngage - Custom Segment API

This API collection allows to create, update, archive, unarchive a custom segment via an API call. Unsure of the content of file? Download a sample - [https://app-cdn.moengage.com/assets/Sample_GAIDs.csv](https://app-cdn.moengage.com/assets/Sample_GAIDs.csvURL) **URL** : [https://api-0X.moengage.com/](https://api-0X.moengage.com/) Each customer is hosted on a different data center, you can find your data center number (value of X), by checking the data center and API endpoint [mapping here](https://help.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/360057030512-Data-Centers-in-MoEngage#01G5DQVXGT2KZMXTJPF77QPJ25). **Where to find DATA API ID and API KEY?** * Username(DATA API ID) and password(DATA API KEY) are available at ***Settings > APIs > DATA API Settings***. Do the following when you are using the API for the first-time authentication: 1. Navigate to ***Settings > APIs > DATA API Settings***. 2. Click Generate Key 3. Save the details on the Data APIs settings page. **User name:** DATA API ID **Password:** DATA API KEY Click [here](https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/4405027805844-Custom-File-Segment-API#authentication-0-1) to know more Use the Custom File Segment API to: * Create a new Custom File Segment * Add Users to an existing Custom Segment * Remove Users from an existing Custom Segment * Replace Users from an existing Custom Segment * Archive an existing Custom Segment * UnArchive an existing Custom Segment. API Documentation - [https://docs.moengage.com/docs/custom-segment-api](https://docs.moengage.com/docs/custom-segment-api)



MoEngage - Cards

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the MoEngage - Cards. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.



MoEngage - Business Events API

Business Events include product launches, new episode releases for an OTT series, travel delays (flight delays), price drops in E-Commerce platforms, and so on. The Business Event APIs help you create Business Events, trigger them and search for them in MoEngage.



MoEngage - Content - Email Template APIs - v2

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the MoEngage - Content - Email Template APIs - v2. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.



MoEngage - Cards

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the MoEngage - Cards. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.



MoEngage - Business Events API

Business Events include product launches, new episode releases for an OTT series, travel delays (flight delays), price drops in E-Commerce platforms, and so on. The Business Event APIs help you create Business Events, trigger them and search for them in MoEngage.



MoEngage - API for Daily Campaign Report

Use the Daily Campaign Report API to download the campaign report for a particular date. The API provides campaign data for a single date at a time. Enable the report settings in the dashboard, the system generates the daily report according to the schedule. Previous day campaign reports are not calculated. Put a buffer time from the scheduled time, to pull the reports using API. There is no expiry for the reports generated. For downloading data spanning across many days, refer to All Campaigns Search View and Export Campaign Statistics. To use the Daily Campaign Report API, do the following: 1. Configure the report settings. 2. Use the API to generate the report. Learn more - [https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/4405027075092-Daily-Campaign-Report-API](https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/4405027075092-Daily-Campaign-Report-API)



MoEngage - API for Daily Campaign Report

Use the Daily Campaign Report API to download the campaign report for a particular date. The API provides campaign data for a single date at a time. Enable the report settings in the dashboard, the system generates the daily report according to the schedule. Previous day campaign reports are not calculated. Put a buffer time from the scheduled time, to pull the reports using API. There is no expiry for the reports generated. For downloading data spanning across many days, refer to All Campaigns Search View and Export Campaign Statistics. To use the Daily Campaign Report API, do the following: 1. Configure the report settings. 2. Use the API to generate the report. Learn more - [https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/4405027075092-Daily-Campaign-Report-API](https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/4405027075092-Daily-Campaign-Report-API)




Mobilosoft API Definition

No items found.



Public API for mluvii

Business Operations



This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Mischool. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.



Mischool Tracer Study

# 📄 Get started here This template contains a boilerplate for documentation that you can quickly customize and reuse. ## 🔖 How to use this template - Replace the content given brackets (()) with your API's details. - Tips are formatted in `codespan` - feel free to read and remove them. --- `Start with a brief overview of what your API offers.` The ((product name)) provides many API products, tools, and resources that enable you to ((add product value here)). `You can also list the APIs you offer, link to the relevant pages, or do both in this section.` ## **Getting started guide** `List the steps or points required to start using your APIs. Make sure to cover everything required to reach success with your API as quickly as possible.` To start using the ((add APIs here)), you need to - `The points given below are from The Postman API's documentation. You can reference it to write your own getting started guide.` - You must use a valid API Key to send requests to the API endpoints. You can get your API key from Postman's [integrations dashboard](https://go.postman.co/settings/me/api-keys). - The API has [rate and usage limits](https://postman.postman.co/workspace/Collection-Templates~6311738d-2e70-441f-ae12-78caf078c5b7/collection/22517504-e9c28f47-1253-44af-a2f3-20dce4da1f18?ctx=documentation#rate-and-usage-limits). - The API only responds to HTTPS-secured communications. Any requests sent via HTTP return an HTTP 301 redirect to the corresponding HTTPS resources. - The API returns request responses in JSON format. When an API request returns an error, it is sent in the JSON response as an error key. ## Authentication `Add details on the authorization keys/tokens required, steps that cover how to get them, and the relevant error codes.` The ((product name)) API uses ((add your API's authorization type)) for authentication. `The details given below are from the Postman API's documentation. You can reference it to write your own authentication section.` Postman uses API keys for authentication. You can generate a Postman API key in the [API keys](https://postman.postman.co/settings/me/api-keys) section of your Postman account settings. You must include an API key in each request to the Postman API with the X-Api-Key request header. ### Authentication error response If an API key is missing, malformed, or invalid, you will receive an HTTP 401 Unauthorized response code. ## Rate and usage limits `Use this section to cover your APIs' terms of use. Include API limits, constraints, and relevant error codes, so consumers understand the permitted API usage and practices.` `The example given below is from The Postman API's documentation. Use it as a reference to write your APIs' terms of use.` API access rate limits apply at a per-API key basis in unit time. The limit is 300 requests per minute. Also, depending on your plan, you may have usage limits. If you exceed either limit, your request will return an HTTP 429 Too Many Requests status code. Each API response returns the following set of headers to help you identify your use status: | Header | Description | | --- | --- | | `X-RateLimit-Limit` | The maximum number of requests that the consumer is permitted to make per minute. | | `X-RateLimit-Remaining` | The number of requests remaining in the current rate limit window. | | `X-RateLimit-Reset` | The time at which the current rate limit window resets in UTC epoch seconds. | ### 503 response An HTTP `503` response from our servers indicates there is an unexpected spike in API access traffic. The server is usually operational within the next five minutes. If the outage persists or you receive any other form of an HTTP `5XX` error, [contact support](https://support.postman.com/hc/en-us/requests/new/). ### **Need some help?** `Add links that customers can refer to whenever they need help.` In case you have questions, go through our tutorials ((link to your video or help documentation here)). Or visit our FAQ page ((link to the relevant page)). Or you can check out our community forum, there’s a good chance our community has an answer for you. Visit our developer forum ((link to developer forum)) to review topics, ask questions, and learn from others. `You can also document or add links to libraries, code examples, and other resources needed to make a request.`



Miro Developer Platform

<img src="https://content.pstmn.io/47449ea6-0ef7-4af2-bac1-e58a70e61c58/aW1hZ2UucG5n" width="1685" height="593"> ### Miro Developer Platform concepts - New to the Miro Developer Platform? Interested in learning more about platform concepts?? [Read our introduction page](https://beta.developers.miro.com/docs/introduction) and familiarize yourself with the Miro Developer Platform capabilities in a few minutes. ### Getting started with the Miro REST API - [Quickstart (video):](https://beta.developers.miro.com/docs/try-out-the-rest-api-in-less-than-3-minutes) try the REST API in less than 3 minutes. - [Quickstart (article):](https://beta.developers.miro.com/docs/build-your-first-hello-world-app-1) get started and try the REST API in less than 3 minutes. ### Miro REST API tutorials Check out our how-to articles with step-by-step instructions and code examples so you can: - [Get started with OAuth 2.0 and Miro](https://beta.developers.miro.com/docs/getting-started-with-oauth) ### Miro App Examples Clone our [Miro App Examples repository](https://github.com/miroapp/app-examples) to get inspiration, customize, and explore apps built on top of Miro's Developer Platform 2.0.




This is a generated connector for [MFT REST API v1.0](https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/12285357/UV5WEe66) OpenAPI specification. The [MFT REST API](https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/12285357/UV5WEe66) provides a secure AS2 secured channel for such communications, and offers your company, multiple ways to upload/download files, or automate the exchange through integration mechanisms.

Developer Tools



SISTEMA - Información de pólizas, solicitudes y caracteristicas especiales relacionadas a los productos de la compañia




# Overview A collection of sample Meraki alerts that would normally be delivered via a webhook. Use this collection to "post" to your receiving server to simulate Meraki sending this data.




This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Meteomatics. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.




MetaTrader5 Rest Api. Call /init/ to get token, which is required in other methods.




This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the MESone API. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.




Merchant Offer Option Matrix Sample



Meraki Webhooks Management

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Meraki Webhooks Management. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.



MerakiDashboard API

*Version 0.11.0* The Cisco Meraki Dashboard API is a modern REST API based on the OpenAPI specification. > Date: 25 May, 2020 > > [What's New](https://meraki.io/whats-new/) --- [API Documentation](https://meraki.io/api) [Community Support](https://meraki.io/community) [Meraki Homepage](https://www.meraki.com)



Meraki Webhooks Management

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Meraki Webhooks Management. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.



Meraki Public Utilities

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Meraki Public Utilities. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.



Meraki Public Utilities

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Meraki Public Utilities. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.



Meraki Dashboard API

A RESTful API to programmatically manage and monitor Cisco Meraki networks at scale. > Date: 07 February, 2024 > > [Recent Updates](https://meraki.io/whats-new/) --- [API Documentation](https://meraki.io/api) [Community Support](https://meraki.io/community) [Meraki Homepage](https://www.meraki.com) Contact Support: Name: Meraki Developer Community



Meraki Dashboard API - v1.9.0

The Cisco Meraki Dashboard API is a modern REST API based on the OpenAPI specification. > Date: 05 May, 2021 > > [What's New](https://meraki.io/whats-new/) --- [API Documentation](https://meraki.io/api) [Community Support](https://meraki.io/community) [Meraki Homepage](https://www.meraki.com)



Medium com API Specification

This is a generated connector for [Medium API v1](https://github.com/Medium/medium-api-docs) OpenAPI Specification. Medium’s Publishing API provides capability to access the Medium network, create your content on Medium from anywhere you write, and expand your audience and your influence.



Matrix Client-Server Room Creation API

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Matrix Client-Server Room Creation API. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.

Developer Tools



This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the matsubushi. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.



Matrix Client-Server Room Banning API

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Matrix Client-Server Room Banning API. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.

Developer Tools


Matrix Client-Server Report Content API

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Matrix Client-Server Report Content API. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.

Developer Tools


Matrix Client-Server Registration Token API

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Matrix Client-Server Registration Token API. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.

Developer Tools


Matrix Client-Server Registration API

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Matrix Client-Server Registration API. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.

Developer Tools


Matrix Client-Server Registration and Login API

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Matrix Client-Server Registration and Login API. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.

Developer Tools


Matrix Client-Server Registration and Login API

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Matrix Client-Server Registration and Login API. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.

Developer Tools


Matrix Client-Server Profile API

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Matrix Client-Server Profile API. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.

Developer Tools


Matrix Client-Server Receipts API

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Matrix Client-Server Receipts API. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.

Developer Tools


Matrix Client-Server Push Rules API

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Matrix Client-Server Push Rules API. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.

Developer Tools


Matrix Client-Server Read Marker API

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Matrix Client-Server Read Marker API. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.

Developer Tools


Matrix Client-Server Push API

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Matrix Client-Server Push API. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.

Developer Tools


Matrix Client-Server message event send API

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Matrix Client-Server message event send API. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.

Developer Tools


Matrix Client-Server Presence API

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Matrix Client-Server Presence API. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.

Developer Tools


Matrix Client-Server OpenID API

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Matrix Client-Server OpenID API. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.

Developer Tools
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