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This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the CASI. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.



CartRover API

CartRover is a platform that effortlessly connects your sales channels (carts & marketplaces) with your back-end OMS or WMS system. Integrate with CartRover once and leverage our library of ecommerce integations. [Learn More](https://www.cartrover.com/). The CartRover Orders API is a RESTful service that performs all data communication in JSON format. The order of the fields you submit is not important and the order of fields returned is not guaranteed. There are four different levels of API access: Cart, Merchant, Warehouse, Master. Each provides access to different endpoints listed in their sections below. All API levels have separate access credentials but use the same authorization procedure and data formats for sending and receiving. To be notified of API changes, please [join our API email group](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/cartrover-api-updates). To monitor the API status and uptime, [subscribe to our status page](https://status.cartrover.com/). Base URL: `https://api.cartrover.com` # Getting Help If you have questions about the API, head over to the [CartRover Community - API Discussions](https://support.cartrover.com/portal/en/community/cartrover/api-discussions) and make a post. For general CartRover support and information [view our knowledgebase](https://support.cartrover.com/portal/kb/cartrover) where you can learn about CartRover and open support tickets. When requesting API support please include your API User and the `X-CartRover-Process-ID` response header value for any specific requests you have made. We recommend you log this response header for every API request you make so that you have it for reference if you ever need to go back and ask about a specific call. Without this value we won't be able to help as much. Check out the official [CartRover PHP Client](https://github.com/CartRover/cartrover-php). Just include it directly in your project, we've done all the work for you! Additional unofficial CartRover Libraries: - [Ruby Client](https://github.com/sifourteen/cartrover-ruby-client) by sifourteen # Authentication [How To Get CartRover API Keys](https://support.cartrover.com/portal/kb/articles/how-to-get-cartrover-api-keys) Remember to keep your keys secret and secure. You can cycle your API keys in CartRover when viewing them, which will immediately invalidate the previous keys. ## Basic Auth Pass your API User and Key using the [Basic Access Authentication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_access_authentication) standard. 1. Concatenate the API user and key and place a colon in between: `api_user:api_key` 2. Base 64 encode this string 3. Pass it as a header in the following format: `Authorization: Basic BASE64ENCODEDSTRING` # Errors All endpoints will return errors in the following format. | Field | Data Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | success_code | boolean | Always FALSE for an error | | error_code | ENUM | Invalid - Invalid/Missing data submitted <br>Failure - Hard error like: Duplicate order <br>RateLimit - Over API Limit | | message | String | Specific Error Message | # Rate Limit The CartRover API uses a [Leaky Bucket](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leaky_bucket) algorithm to manage API access. The bucket size is 100 calls, and they refill at rate of 1 call every 0.6 seconds. Currently the New Order API endpoint is NOT rate limited. If we see abuse of the API, all endpoints will be rate limited. All endpoints that are rate limited will return the following header with each request. It contains the remaining number of API calls you can currently burst to: > X-CartRover-Api-Minute-Hits-Remaining If you go over your rate limit, the API will return a standard error with the following code and message: ``` json { "success_code": false, "error_code": "RateLimit", "message": "Over API Limit. Please slow down requests." } ``` # Timestamps Timestamp fields should be submitted to the API in [ISO 8601](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601) format in order to specify the timezone. Timestamp fields returned by the API will be formatted in ISO 8601 and always be in the UTC timezone. > 2018-08-27T02:24:58+00:00 If you are passing a timestamp as a GET parameter, **YOU MUST** encode the plus symbol (`+`) as `+` # Order Charge Field Definitions The definitions below are how CartRover uses and calculates price fields. If you do not follow this standard, CartRover cannot guarantee the price information the warehouse receives will be correct. ## Order Header Fields **sub_total:** Sum of Order Line extended_amount fields. - Does not include sales_tax, order_discount, or shipping_handling - If loading orders, you may need to add the order_discount to the sub_total if the cart has one and doesn't include it in the sub_total. **order_discount:** Total post-tax discount on order as a positive number. - Overall order level post-tax discount passed from cart + (Sum of addl_discount from Order Lines) **sales_tax:** Total tax on order - If tax is set on Order Line this must match the sum of all order line tax fields. Most interfaces don't set tax on the order line. **shipping_handling:** Total shipping charge for the order passed from cart. No relation to the order line shipping_surcharge field. **grand_total:** sub_total + sales_tax + shipping_handling - order_discount **balance:** Not used right now. Set to 0 or leave off completely. ## Order Line Fields **quantity:** Number/Quantity of this product ordered. **price:** Cost of a single item. Does not include taxes, discounts, or shipping charges. **discount:** Pre-tax Discount amounts to be applied to EACH single item as a positive number. **addl_discount:** Post-tax Discount amount to be applied to the total item line as a positive number. **tax:** Taxes applied to the total quantity of the total items in this line. **shipping_surcharge:** Extra shipping charges that were added because of the total items in this line. **extended_amount:** (price - discount) \* quantity - Does not take addl_discount or tax into account

Developer Tools



CarGurus Logistics Service



Capability - Mastodon - Trends - Statuses

This is a collection for pulling the trending statuses for a Mastodon instance, automating the monitoring of what is trending across instance activity.

Social Media


Carzaty Api

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Carzaty Api. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.




This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Caregivers. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.



Capability - Mastodon - Trends - Links

This is a collection for pulling the trending links for a Mastodon instance, automating the monitoring of what is trending across instance activity.

Social Media



This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the CardiacSense. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.



Capability - Mastodon - Verify Account

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Capability - Mastodon - Verify Account. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.

Social Media


Capsule CMS API

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Capsule CMS API. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.



Capability - Mastodon - Trends - Tags

This is a collection for pulling the trending tags for a Mastodon instance, automating the monitoring of what is trending across instance activity.

Social Media


Capability - Mastodon - Status Reblogged By

This is a collection for pulling the account information using the id for the account, returning all the details of the profile.

Social Media


Capability - Mastodon - Timeline URLs

This is a collection for pulling a timeline from a user of a specific Mastodon instance, and parsing the URLs that are in each post--rendering as a bulleted list using the visualizer. Once pulled you can choose to publish URLs to another location like PInboard, Google Sheets, or other using their API.

Social Media


Capability - Mastodon - Search Accounts

This is a collection for searching account on a mastodon instance, then pulling and working with the JSON data, and rendering as HTML using visualizer.

Social Media


Capability - Mastodon - Timeline

This is a collection for pulling a timeline from a user of a specific Mastodon instance, allowing you to pull, work with, and even visualize responses.

Social Media


Capability - Mastodon - Suggestions

This is a collection for pulling the suggestions for a user of a specific Mastodon instance, allowing you to pull and respond to suggestions from the instance.

Social Media


Capability - Mastodon - Search Statuses

This is a collection for searching account on a mastodon instance, then pulling and working with the JSON data, and rendering as HTML using visualizer.

Social Media


Capability - Mastodon - Search Hashtags

This is a collection for searching account on a mastodon instance, then pulling and working with the JSON data, and rendering as HTML using visualizer.

Social Media


Capability - Mastodon - Relationships

This is a collection for pulling the bookmarks from a user of a specific Mastodon instance, allowing you to pull, work with, and even visualize what has been bookmarked.

Social Media


Capability - Mastodon - Featured Tags

This is a collection for pulling the account information using the id for the account, returning all the details of the profile.

Social Media


Capability - Mastodon - Post Status

This is a single collection for posting a status to a Mastodon instance, allowing statuses to be automated.

Social Media


Capability - Mastodon - Notifications

This is a collection for pulling the bookmarks from a user of a specific Mastodon instance, allowing you to pull, work with, and even visualize what has been bookmarked.

Social Media


Capability - Mastodon - Following

This is a collection for pulling the bookmarks from a user of a specific Mastodon instance, allowing you to pull, work with, and even visualize what has been bookmarked.

Social Media


Capability - Mastodon - Lookup

This is a collection for searching account on a mastodon instance, then pulling and working with the JSON data, and rendering as HTML using visualizer.

Social Media


Capability - Mastodon - Followers

This is a collection for pulling the bookmarks from a user of a specific Mastodon instance, allowing you to pull, work with, and even visualize what has been bookmarked.

Social Media


Capability - Mastodon - Bookmarks

This is a collection for pulling the bookmarks from a user of a specific Mastodon instance, allowing you to pull, work with, and even visualize what has been bookmarked.

Social Media


Capability - Mastodon - Follow Requests

This is a collection for pulling a timeline from a user of a specific Mastodon instance, allowing you to pull, work with, and even visualize responses.

Social Media


Capability - Mastodon - Follow

This is a collection for pulling the bookmarks from a user of a specific Mastodon instance, allowing you to pull, work with, and even visualize what has been bookmarked.

Social Media


Capability - Mastodon - Favorites URLs

This is a collection for pulling the favorites from a user of a specific Mastodon instance, then parse all the URLs that are present in each post and render as a bulleted list to visualizer. You can then copy and paste the list, or consider publishing to GitHub, Google Sheets, Pinboard, or some other location using their API.

Social Media


Capability - Mastodon - Familiar Followers

This is a collection for pulling the account information using the id for the account, returning all the details of the profile.

Social Media


Capability - Mastodon - Favorites

This is a collection for pulling the favorites from a user of a specific Mastodon instance, allowing you to pull, work with, and even visualize posts that have been favorited.

Social Media


Capability - Mastodon - Account

This is a collection for pulling the account information using the id for the account, returning all the details of the profile.

Social Media


Capability - Mastodon - Account - Tag Cloud

This is a collection for pulling the account information using the id for the account, returning all the details of the profile, parsing the hash tags and rendering them as a tag cloud using the visualizer.

Social Media


Callbell Public API

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Callbell Public API. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.



Canvas FHIR

Testing this collection requires access to a Canvas environment. If you don't already have one, start by creating a sandbox environment at [https://docs.canvasmedical.com/docs/creating-a-sandbox-environment](https://docs.canvasmedical.com/docs/creating-a-sandbox-environment) **Make sure to replace the** ***collection*** **variables with resource ids taken from your environment. There are also the following** ***environment*** **variables to edit:** * **oauth_application_client_id** * **oauth_application_client_secret** * **emr_base_url** (http://yoursandbox.preview.canvasmedical.com) * **base_url** (http://fhir-yoursandbox.preview.canvasmedical.com) * **fhir_access_token** (your bearer token) **Your bearer token found at** [https://dashboard.canvasmedical.com/](https://dashboard.canvasmedical.com/) More documentation on each endpoint in this collection can be found at [https://docs.canvasmedical.com/reference/getting-started-with-your-api](https://docs.canvasmedical.com/reference/getting-started-with-your-api)



CALISTA Developer

# What is CALISTA <img src="https://knowledge-base.globaletrade.services/galleryDocuments/edbsn6e75fcc20d431e8f20018cbfda103448ca1fc80e6132433d0a56667bce44a90e8e796d56d6b4fd38041c833cf7af90a1?inline=true"> CALISTA™ is a global supply chain platform that brings together the key physical and nonphysical – such as regulatory and financial – activities of logistics on a digital eco-system that serves the community of logistics players and stakeholders. # Getting Started **CALISTA Developer Platform** enables you to harness the power of CALISTA's global and real-time platform within your own applications. The platform provides tools, resources, data and API products for you to integrate, and expand CALISTA's impact to your Supply Chain process. This section can help you get acquainted with the platform’s organization. If you require assistance, you may always reach out to our 24/7 helpdesk via [https://knowledge-base.globaletrade.services/](https://knowledge-base.globaletrade.services/). ### How the platform is organized The CALISTA developer platform is organized into the different products: [CALISTA eCommerce](#calista-ecommerce) provides an integrated solution to facilitate your eCommerce shipment needs. [CALISTA Rate Management](#calista-rate-management) allows you to send and receive quotations of any Supply Chain related services by leveraging on GeTS global network of partners. [CALISTA Intelligent Advisory](#calista-intelligent-advisory) provides digital trade compliance advisory of over 180 countries. [CALISTA Regulatory Filing](#calista-regulatory-filing) provides integrated trade compliance solutions for manifest and declaration in different countries. Quick tip: You may also view or folk the same API collection via our [public workspace](https://www.postman.com/calista-api)!

Business Operations


Caleida API Integration

This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Caleida API Integration. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.




This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Caleida. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.




This is a generated connector for [BulkSMS API v1](https://www.bulksms.com/developer/) OpenAPI Specification. BulkSMS API provides capability to access you to submit and receive [BulkSMS](https://www.bulksms.com/) messages. You can also get access to past messages and see your account profile. Dates are formatted according to ISO-8601, such as `1970-01-01T10:00:00+01:00` for 1st January 1970, 10AM UTC+1. It currently supports operations on messages, numbers, user profile, webhooks, and batch messages.

Developer Tools


Browshot API

This is a generated connector for [Browshot API v1.17.0](https://browshot.com/api/documentation) OpenAPI specification. The Browshot API provides services to get screenshots of any website in real time.




This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the BrowserStack. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.

Developer Tools



This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Bookit. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.




# Welcome 👋 Using the REST API allows you to programmatically execute a wide range of code operations which are also available through the user interface. In this guide you will find a quick start section with the most important concepts about the API, instructions to authenticate and some short code examples. ## **Quick start** There are a few [key concepts](https://developers.sendinblue.com/docs/how-it-works) to keep in mind while using our API: - [**Rate limits**](https://developers.sendinblue.com/docs/api-limits) **and** [**platform quotas**](https://developers.sendinblue.com/docs/platform-quotas) - How to call the [**endpoints**](https://developers.sendinblue.com/docs/how-it-works#endpoints) - What is the [**response structure**](https://developers.sendinblue.com/docs/how-it-works#responses) - What [**API SDKs**](https://developers.sendinblue.com/docs/api-clients) you can use depending on your stack - What [**IP addresses**](https://developers.sendinblue.com/docs/how-it-works#sendinblue-ip-addresses) we use [**Read more about how the API works**](https://developers.sendinblue.com/docs/how-it-works) **📖**




# Welcome 👋 Using the REST API allows you to programmatically execute a wide range of code operations which are also available through the user interface. In this guide you will find a quick start section with the most important concepts about the API, instructions to authenticate and some short code examples. ## **Quick start** There are a few [key concepts](https://developers.sendinblue.com/docs/how-it-works) to keep in mind while using our API: - [**Rate limits**](https://developers.sendinblue.com/docs/api-limits) **and** [**platform quotas**](https://developers.sendinblue.com/docs/platform-quotas) - How to call the [**endpoints**](https://developers.sendinblue.com/docs/how-it-works#endpoints) - What is the [**response structure**](https://developers.sendinblue.com/docs/how-it-works#responses) - What [**API SDKs**](https://developers.sendinblue.com/docs/api-clients) you can use depending on your stack - What [**IP addresses**](https://developers.sendinblue.com/docs/how-it-works#sendinblue-ip-addresses) we use [**Read more about how the API works**](https://developers.sendinblue.com/docs/how-it-works) **📖**



Botify API

This is a generated connector for [Botify API v1.0.0](https://developers.botify.com/reference) OpenAPI specification. API for Internet Archive's Search-related services.




[Box Platform](https://box.dev) provides functionality to provide access to content stored within [Box](https://box.com). It provides endpoints for basic manipulation of files and folders, management of users within an enterprise, as well as more complex topics such as legal holds and retention policies.

Business Operations


Box Platform API

This is a generated connector for [Box Platform API v2.0.0](https://developer.box.com/guides/) OpenAPI specification. [Box Platform](https://box.dev) provides functionality to provide access to content stored within [Box](https://box.com). It provides endpoints for basic manipulation of files and folders, management of users within an enterprise, as well as more complex topics such as legal holds and retention policies.

Business Operations



This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Boomerang. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.




This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the BOSTA App. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.




This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Bitrix24. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.

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