# Cisco ThousandEyes API (v6) Postman Collection This is a Postman collection and environment variables covering Cisco ThousandEyes v6 APIs. ## Cisco ThousandEyes ThousandEyes is the light that illuminates the path an application takes as it traversing infrastructure outside the four walls of the traditional enterprise network. When you can see and hence understand the path, you can assure the user experience is as expected, and know what to remediate when it isn’t. ## What's in the Postman collection - A Sandbox access is available [here](https://www.thousandeyes.com/signup/). - The collection correlates with the official ThousandEyes [API documentation](https://developer.thousandeyes.com/v6/). **ThousandEyes Endpoints** covered in this collection 1. Instant Tests 2. Tests 3. Test Data 4. Credentials 5. Endpoint Data 6. Endpoint Scheduled Tests 7. Endpoint Scheduled Test Data 8. Endpoint Instant Tests 9. Snapshots 10. Agents & Monitors 11. Alerts & Notifications 12. Labels 13. Reports 14. Administrative Endpoints 15. Usage ⚠️ ***Make sure you update your Environment Variables with the latest Token and Device information!*** 🆒 ***Javascript Tests scripts included with this collection to auto-update Environment variables where it fits***
Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS) Integrated Management Controller (IMC) API examples. Documentation: [https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/unified_computing/ucs/c/sw/api/3_0/b_Cisco_IMC_REST_API_guide_301/m_redfish_api_examples.html#id_14844__section_1D6B7F9919B344F3B344CC4BF59C4CFB](https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/unified_computing/ucs/c/sw/api/3_0/b_Cisco_IMC_REST_API_guide_301/m_redfish_api_examples.html#id_14844__section_1D6B7F9919B344F3B344CC4BF59C4CFB)
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Cisco ThousandEyes-API. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
Stealthwatch consists of two different products: Enterprise and Cloud. Check the subfolder descriptions for the appropriate documentation links.
API docs: [https://apidocs-prod.cisco.com](https://apidocs-prod.cisco.com) Main licensing page: [https://software.cisco.com](https://software.cisco.com/software/csws/ws/platform/home?locale=en_US#)
Contains Email Security Appliances (ESA) and Web Security Appliance (WSA) examples using the Security Management Appliance (SMA) API. dCloud lab: https://dcloud2-rtp.cisco.com/content/demo/581871?returnPathTitleKey=content-view API documentation: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/security_management/sma/sma13-0/api_reference_guide/asyncos_api_ref.html
This only covers a sub-set of the RESTCONF Northbound API, since auto-generated swagger from the application is 200,000 lines of documentation. Created using https://github.com/NSO-developer/nso-vagrant as a localhost NSO testing environment.
The main goal of this collection to help the developer understand the various API capabilities of Cisco Next Gen Firewall using Firepower Device Manager APIs (This is local manager available on device)
The main goal of this collection to help the developer understand the various API capabilities of Cisco NGFW, Advanced Malware Protection, Threat Grid, , ISE and Umbrella. It will cover useful API features for each of the products and how to properly use them. Simple workflow is also included in the collection to *Collect* all the characteristics/signatures behind the possible attack using AMP. *Validate* the collected intelligence with Threat Grid and Umbrella. *Deploy* the intelligence to the NGFW, Umbrella and ISE to protect and contain the threat.
The main goal of this collection to help the developer understand the various API capabilities of Cisco NGFW, Advanced Malware Protection, Threat Grid, , ISE and Umbrella. It will cover useful API features for each of the products and how to properly use them. Simple workflow is also included in the collection to *Collect* all the characteristics/signatures behind the possible attack using AMP. *Validate* the collected intelligence with Threat Grid and Umbrella. *Deploy* the intelligence to the NGFW, Umbrella and ISE to protect and contain the threat.
# Cisco Secure Firewall Management Center (FMC) The goal of this collection is to provide an easy-to-use collection of api calls to create, read, update and delete resources via FMCs REST API ## Structure The structure of this collection is based on FMCs API Explorer. ## Usage Various requests have dependencies on pre-existing resources hence "Pre-request Scripts" are being used to determine if Postman is already aware of the required UUIDs. If you encounter an error during execution telling you that a required resource cannot be found you can navigate to the resource folder and find a "Find $ResourceName ID" request. By executing this request Postman will search all existing resources (limited to a page size of 1000) for the name of the resource specified in the collection variables. If a resource with a matching name is found the UUID variable is automatically populated. ## Getting Started Within the postman collection navigate to "Variables" and edit the required variables hostname, username and password. After setting the required variables you will need to retrieve an authorization token. Within the "Authentication" folder you find two calls: * Retrieve Authorization Token (used for initial authentication) * Refresh Authorization Token (tokens are valid for 30 minutes and can be refreshed up to 3 times) ## Troubleshooting Most requests include console logging. Open up the Console to get additional information about a requests result
# Cisco Secure Firewall Management Center (FMC) The goal of this collection is to provide an easy-to-use collection of api calls to create, read, update and delete resources via FMCs REST API ## Structure The structure of this collection is based on FMCs API Explorer. ## Usage Various requests have dependencies on pre-existing resources hence "Pre-request Scripts" are being used to determine if Postman is already aware of the required UUIDs. If you encounter an error during execution telling you that a required resource cannot be found you can navigate to the resource folder and find a "Find $ResourceName ID" request. By executing this request Postman will search all existing resources (limited to a page size of 1000) for the name of the resource specified in the collection variables. If a resource with a matching name is found the UUID variable is automatically populated. ## Getting Started Within the postman collection navigate to "Variables" and edit the required variables hostname, username and password. After setting the required variables you will need to retrieve an authorization token. Within the "Authentication" folder you find two calls: * Retrieve Authorization Token (used for initial authentication) * Refresh Authorization Token (tokens are valid for 30 minutes and can be refreshed up to 3 times) ## Troubleshooting Most requests include console logging. Open up the Console to get additional information about a requests result
Cisco Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator (NDO), formerly known as Multi Site Orchestrator (MSO). API reference: [https://developer.cisco.com/docs/nexus-dashboard-orchestrator/latest/#!api-reference](https://developer.cisco.com/docs/nexus-dashboard-orchestrator/latest/#!api-reference)
Collection for Cisco Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller (NDFC), formerly known as Data Center Network Manager (DCNM).
# Cisco ISE 3.0 ERS REST APIs ## License [Cisco Sample Code License](https://developer.cisco.com/site/license/cisco-sample-code-license/) ## Status These are the status icons for the requests so far. - ⌗ : must create resources to test - 🚧 : incomplete | untested - 🛑 : unsupported | bug ## Environment Variables This collection uses environment variables in scripts in the **Tests** tab to store data (`id`, `name`, `portalId`, etc.) between requests. This allows you to `GET` or `POST` then immediately `GET {id}` on a resource. Using **No Environment** will cause this convenience functionality to fail so be sure to choose one. ## Collection Variables This collection includes some default variables that you will want to update or override with environment variables for your ISE deployment. Specifically, you will want to set: - `ise_pan`: the ISE PAN node name or IP address. Default: `ise.securitydemo.net` - `rest_username`: the username for ERS API access. Must be a member of **SuperAdmin**, **ERSAdmin** or **ERSOperator** groups. Default: `admin` which is the ISE SuperAdmin - `rest_password`: Default: `C1sco12345` If you want to manipulate the `guestuser` resource(s) you will also need to use a separate sponsor account specified with: - `guestuser_username`: Default: `guestapi` - `guestuser_password`: Default: `C1sco12345`
Use steps: Update authorization tab with your API code and then proceed to the API requests you require which are grouped by function (assets, vulnerabilities, etc) ************************************************************************************************************* This is a list of API calls that can be leveraged to get the most out of the Kenna Platform. The most current documentation can be found at: https://apidocs.kennasecurity.com/reference#reference-getting-started Getting Started This page will help you get started with Kenna Platform API. No connector available yet for one of your security tools? No problem. You can push vulnerabilities from any external system into Kenna using our simple, secure API. Enterprise integration has never been easier. The API is organized around REST to have predictable, resource-oriented URLs and to use HTTP response codes to indicate errors. We use HTTP verbs, which can be understood by off-the-shelf HTTP clients and libraries. The API utilizes JSON as the data exchange format. All API calls must be made over HTTPS and be accompanied by a valid token parameter. Your Kenna API root path depends on your Kenna URL. In most cases the API root path will be https://{{API_URL}}, assuming your Kenna instance url is https://mycompany.kennasecurity.com/. If you have an instance in the EU or in a private environment, your Kenna instance URL will include additional subdomain components, such as https://mycompany.eu.kennasecurity.com. In that case, only the instance specific hostname component (mycompany in the example) is replaced with api, so an instance with an EU address will use the EU api address of https://api.eu.kennasecurity.com/. SUGGEST EDITS Authentication Access to the API is controlled using a token. Every account has a token generated when the account is created. You may locate and change your API token by logging in and clicking your company's name in the upper right hand corner. In the dropdown that appears, chose 'API Keys'. Your API token will be listed first in the table found on the applications page. You would replace in the example below with your API token. All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. You must authenticate for all requests. Requests are limited to a maximum of 5 requests per second. If you exceed this limit, your request will receive a “429: Too Many Requests" status code response. SUGGEST EDITS Parameters Many API methods take optional parameters. For GET requests, parameters are specified as a segment in the path. For example if you were requesting data regarding a vulnerability with an id of 100: Request Response curl -H "X-Risk-Token: <token>" "https://{{API_URL}}/vulnerabilities/100" -X GET For most POST requests, parameters are encoded as JSON, with a Content-Type of 'application/json': Request Response curl -H "X-Risk-Token: <token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://{{API_URL}}/vulnerabilities -X POST -d '{ "vulnerability": { "wasc_id" : "WASC-01", "primary_locator" : "url", "url" : "http://www.example.com" } }' Note: The Content-Type parameter should be omitted for specific POST request endpoints, such as the "Upload Data File" endpoint. Larger record sets are paginated by 500. For example, when requesting your list of vulnerabilities. To page through the record set, you pass a page parameter. Each paginated response includes meta data containing the current page and the total number of pages. Page limit is currently set to 20. Pages are 1-indexed based. Request Response curl -H "X-Risk-Token: <token>" "https://{{API_URL}}/vulnerabilities/?page=3" -X GET SUGGEST EDITS Data Types The API utilizes JSON as the data exchange format. Request Response curl -H "X-Risk-Token: <token>" "https://{{API_URL}}/vulnerabilities/100" -X GET SUGGEST EDITS Errors In the case of an error, the appropriate HTTP status code will be returned in the response header. In addition, the response body will contain a JSON formatted description of what went wrong. The JSON will contain an error attribute, and may contain a more explanatory message attribute as well. It also includes a success attribute with a value of false. Request Response curl -H "X-Risk-Token: <token>" "https://{{API_URL}}/assets/100" -X PUT -d {"priority":"-1"} SUGGEST EDITS HTTP Status Codes The following HTTP status codes are returned by the API. Code Meaning 102 Processing 200 OK 201 Created 204 No Content 400 Bad Request 401 Unauthorized 404 Not Found 409 Conflict 412 Precondition Failed 422 Unprocessable Entity 429 Too Many Requests (more than 5 per second) 500 Internal Server Error SUGGEST EDITS Pagination Requests that return multiple items will be paginated to 1000 items at a time, by default. You can request further pages with the page parameter, and/or change the number of items returned with the per_page parameter. Note that page numbering is 1-based and that omitting the page parameter will return the first page.
Use steps: Update authorization tab with your API code and then proceed to the API requests you require which are grouped by function (assets, vulnerabilities, etc) ************************************************************************************************************* This is a list of API calls that can be leveraged to get the most out of the Kenna Platform. The most current documentation can be found at: https://apidocs.kennasecurity.com/reference#reference-getting-started Getting Started This page will help you get started with Kenna Platform API. No connector available yet for one of your security tools? No problem. You can push vulnerabilities from any external system into Kenna using our simple, secure API. Enterprise integration has never been easier. The API is organized around REST to have predictable, resource-oriented URLs and to use HTTP response codes to indicate errors. We use HTTP verbs, which can be understood by off-the-shelf HTTP clients and libraries. The API utilizes JSON as the data exchange format. All API calls must be made over HTTPS and be accompanied by a valid token parameter. Your Kenna API root path depends on your Kenna URL. In most cases the API root path will be https://{{API_URL}}, assuming your Kenna instance url is https://mycompany.kennasecurity.com/. If you have an instance in the EU or in a private environment, your Kenna instance URL will include additional subdomain components, such as https://mycompany.eu.kennasecurity.com. In that case, only the instance specific hostname component (mycompany in the example) is replaced with api, so an instance with an EU address will use the EU api address of https://api.eu.kennasecurity.com/. SUGGEST EDITS Authentication Access to the API is controlled using a token. Every account has a token generated when the account is created. You may locate and change your API token by logging in and clicking your company's name in the upper right hand corner. In the dropdown that appears, chose 'API Keys'. Your API token will be listed first in the table found on the applications page. You would replace in the example below with your API token. All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. You must authenticate for all requests. Requests are limited to a maximum of 5 requests per second. If you exceed this limit, your request will receive a “429: Too Many Requests" status code response. SUGGEST EDITS Parameters Many API methods take optional parameters. For GET requests, parameters are specified as a segment in the path. For example if you were requesting data regarding a vulnerability with an id of 100: Request Response curl -H "X-Risk-Token: <token>" "https://{{API_URL}}/vulnerabilities/100" -X GET For most POST requests, parameters are encoded as JSON, with a Content-Type of 'application/json': Request Response curl -H "X-Risk-Token: <token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://{{API_URL}}/vulnerabilities -X POST -d '{ "vulnerability": { "wasc_id" : "WASC-01", "primary_locator" : "url", "url" : "http://www.example.com" } }' Note: The Content-Type parameter should be omitted for specific POST request endpoints, such as the "Upload Data File" endpoint. Larger record sets are paginated by 500. For example, when requesting your list of vulnerabilities. To page through the record set, you pass a page parameter. Each paginated response includes meta data containing the current page and the total number of pages. Page limit is currently set to 20. Pages are 1-indexed based. Request Response curl -H "X-Risk-Token: <token>" "https://{{API_URL}}/vulnerabilities/?page=3" -X GET SUGGEST EDITS Data Types The API utilizes JSON as the data exchange format. Request Response curl -H "X-Risk-Token: <token>" "https://{{API_URL}}/vulnerabilities/100" -X GET SUGGEST EDITS Errors In the case of an error, the appropriate HTTP status code will be returned in the response header. In addition, the response body will contain a JSON formatted description of what went wrong. The JSON will contain an error attribute, and may contain a more explanatory message attribute as well. It also includes a success attribute with a value of false. Request Response curl -H "X-Risk-Token: <token>" "https://{{API_URL}}/assets/100" -X PUT -d {"priority":"-1"} SUGGEST EDITS HTTP Status Codes The following HTTP status codes are returned by the API. Code Meaning 102 Processing 200 OK 201 Created 204 No Content 400 Bad Request 401 Unauthorized 404 Not Found 409 Conflict 412 Precondition Failed 422 Unprocessable Entity 429 Too Many Requests (more than 5 per second) 500 Internal Server Error SUGGEST EDITS Pagination Requests that return multiple items will be paginated to 1000 items at a time, by default. You can request further pages with the page parameter, and/or change the number of items returned with the per_page parameter. Note that page numbering is 1-based and that omitting the page parameter will return the first page.
# Cisco ISE 3.0 pxGrid REST APIs ## License [Cisco Sample Code License](https://developer.cisco.com/site/license/cisco-sample-code-license/) ## Status These are the status icons for the requests so far. - ⌗ : must create resources to test - 🚧 : incomplete | untested - 🛑 : unsupported | bug ## Environment Variables This collection uses environment variables in scripts in the **Tests** tab to store data (`id`, `name`, `portalId`, etc.) between requests. This allows you to `GET` or `POST` then immediately `GET {id}` on a resource. Using **No Environment** will cause this convenience functionality to fail so be sure to choose one. ## Collection Variables This collection includes some default variables that you will want to update or override with environment variables for your ISE deployment. Specifically, you will want to set: - `ise_pxg`: the ISE PAN node name or IP address. Default: `ise.securitydemo.net` - `rest_username`: the username for ERS API access. Must be a member of **SuperAdmin**, **ERSAdmin** or **ERSOperator** groups. Default: `admin` which is the ISE SuperAdmin - `rest_password`: Default: `C1sco12345`
xAPI is the Application Programming Interface (API) for Collaboration Endpoint software(Cisco CE and RoomOS), for both on-premise registered video conferencing devices (CUCM, VCS) as well as devices registered to Cisco’s cloud service (Cisco Webex Devices). **This collection gathers commands accessible to an 'Integrator' user, and local to the collaboration device.** Which commands are available depends on the product, the back-end (on-premise, cloud), and the user role of the local user (admin, audit, integrator, roomcontrol, user). To get an overview of the commands, check the reference guide for the version of CE or RoomOS you are running. Here is a link to the guide for CE 9.8 and RoomOS as of September 2019: https://www.cisco.com/c/dam/en/us/td/docs/telepresence/endpoint/ce98/collaboration-endpoint-software-api-reference-guide-ce98.pdf This collection comes with default environment variables: - endpoint: replace with the LAN ip adress of your collection device, defaults to: - credentials: replace with your integrator credentials, or one of the proposed below, defaults to: 'creds-integrator' - creds-integrator: defaults to 'aW50ZWdyYXRvcjppbnRlZ3JhdG9y', which corresponds to a base64 encoding of 'integrator:integrator' - the default credentials for the 'Integrator' role on [DevNet Sandbox RoomKit devices](https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/awesome-xapi#developer-tools) - creds-admin: defaults to 'cmVtb3Rlc3VwcG9ydDo2US82a0JDYnJ0DQo=', which corresponds to a base64 encoding of 'admin:ciscopsdt' - the default credentials for the "Admin" role on [DevNet Sandbox RoomKit devices](https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/awesome-xapi#developer-tools) - creds-localadmin: defaults to 'bG9jYWxhZG1pbjpjaXNjb3BzZHQ', which corresponds to a base64 encoding of "localadmin:ciscopsdt" - the default credentials for DevNet learning labs when addind an "Admin" role for cloud-registered Webex Devices running RoomOS.
# Cisco ISE 3.0 MNT REST APIs ## License [Cisco Sample Code License](https://developer.cisco.com/site/license/cisco-sample-code-license/) ## Status These are the status icons for the requests so far. - ⌗ : must create resources to test - 🚧 : incomplete | untested - 🛑 : unsupported | bug ## Environment Variables This collection uses environment variables in scripts in the **Tests** tab to store data (`id`, `name`, `portalId`, etc.) between requests. This allows you to `GET` or `POST` then immediately `GET {id}` on a resource. Using **No Environment** will cause this convenience functionality to fail so be sure to choose one. ## Collection Variables This collection includes some default variables that you will want to update or override with environment variables for your ISE deployment. Specfically, you will want to set: - `ise_mnt`: the ISE PAN node name or IP address. Default: `ise.securitydemo.net` - `rest_username`: the username for ERS API access. Must be a member of **SuperAdmin**, **ERSAdmin** or **ERSOperator** groups. Default: `admin` which is the ISE SuperAdmin - `rest_password`: Default: `C1sco12345`
ISE supports two different APIs: ERS and pxGrid. Check the subfolder descriptions for the appropriate documentation links. Recommended setup for DevNet sandbox ISE instances: 1. Administration > pxGrid Services > Settings - enable "Allow password based account creation" 2. Administration > System > Settings > Protocols > Radius - disable "Suppress Repeated Failed Clients" - disable "Suppress repeated successful authentications" 3. If sending RADIUS messages from your DevBox, add it as a NAD, or enable the default device.
## Cisco Intersight Postman Collection The Cisco Intersight Postman Collection provides a subset of all Intersight calls. Cisco Intersight is based on the OpenAPI specification and as such a Postman collection can be created directly from the OpenAPI specification. However the OpenAPI specification does not provide the pre-requestion operation of siging the request. A request signed with the user's API Key ID and their Secret Key is needed to authenticate the request. Additionally, the pre-request script pre-processes the Body and URL Postman variable prior to signing the request. The pre-request script requires two variables, that must be in the current Postman environment and named exactly as follows; **api-key** - which is available in the Intersight Web interafce after a successful API Key creation. **secret-key** - which is the complete text of the SecretKet.txt file that is downloaded after a successful API Key creation. With defined API Key environment variables the provided calls will work within the limits of your Intersight account. With respect to licensing and account capabilities. The collection also contains some basic test that determine the success or failure of the request and is the request completed in a certain amount of time. Several of the requests contain post-request tests to perform various activities - Update the Postman console - Set Environment variables - Unset Environment variables Cisco DevNet provides several Learning Labs and an Inersight Sandbox to get you started using these Postman Calls. ## Cisco DevNet resources - [Cisco Intersight DevNet Learning Labs ](https://developer.cisco.com/learning/modules/intersight-rest-api) - [Cisco Intersight DevNet Sandbox](https://devnetsandbox.cisco.com/RM/Diagram/Index/a63216d2-e891-4856-9f27-309ca61ec862?diagramType=Topology)
Postman collection of Cisco's industrial security software Cyber Vision. APIv3 0.1
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Cisco CUCM. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
The Cloudlock Enterprise API provides data about applications, activities, incidents, policies, and IP addresses in your organization.
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Chefzone. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
xAPI is the Application Programming Interface (API) for Collaboration Endpoint software(Cisco CE and RoomOS), for both on-premise registered video conferencing devices (CUCM, VCS) as well as devices registered to Cisco’s cloud service (Cisco Webex Devices). **This collection gathers commands accessible to an 'Admin' user, and local to the collaboration device.** Which commands are available depends on the product, the back-end (on-premise, cloud), and the user role of the local user (admin, audit, integrator, roomcontrol, user). To get an overview of the commands, check the reference guide for the version of CE or RoomOS you are running. Here is a link to the guide for CE 9.8 and RoomOS as of September 2019: https://www.cisco.com/c/dam/en/us/td/docs/telepresence/endpoint/ce98/collaboration-endpoint-software-api-reference-guide-ce98.pdf This collection comes with default environment variables: - endpoint: replace with the LAN ip adress of your collection device, defaults to: - credentials: replace with your integrator credentials, or one of the proposed below, defaults to: 'creds-admin' - creds-integrator: defaults to 'aW50ZWdyYXRvcjppbnRlZ3JhdG9y', which corresponds to a base64 encoding of 'integrator:integrator' - the default credentials for the 'Integrator' role on [DevNet Sandbox RoomKit devices](https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/awesome-xapi#developer-tools) - creds-admin: defaults to 'cmVtb3Rlc3VwcG9ydDo2US82a0JDYnJ0DQo=', which corresponds to a base64 encoding of 'admin:ciscopsdt' - the default credentials for the "Admin" role on [DevNet Sandbox RoomKit devices](https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/awesome-xapi#developer-tools) - creds-localadmin: defaults to 'bG9jYWxhZG1pbjpjaXNjb3BzZHQ', which corresponds to a base64 encoding of "localadmin:ciscopsdt" - the default credentials for DevNet learning labs when addind an "Admin" role for cloud-registered Webex Devices running RoomOS.
https://docs.appdynamics.com/display/PRO45/AppDynamics+APIs This collection was built based off the sample Java app in this DevNet learning lab: https://developer.cisco.com/learning/modules/appdynamics-fundamentals/fnd-01-appd-apm-java/step/1
# Cisco EVPN BGP Postman Collection Brought to you by * Robert Csapo ([https://github.com/robertcsapo](https://github.com/robertcsapo)) This collection uses RESTCONF * [Enabling RESTCONF on IOS-XE](https://developer.cisco.com/docs/ios-xe/#!enabling-restconf-on-ios-xe) **Note:** Make sure you **update** your *Environment Variables* with your Cisco Device IOS-XE variables * host * username * password Learn more about Cisco BGP EVPN here * [IOS-XE](https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/switches/lan/catalyst9300/software/release/17-8/configuration_guide/vxlan/b_178_bgp_evpn_vxlan_9300_cg.html) Found an issue? - let us know.
The CircleCI API is a RESTful, fully-featured API that allows you to do almost anything in CircleCI. You can access all information and trigger all actions. The only thing we don’t provide access to is billing functions, which must be done from the CircleCI web UI.
This describes the resources that make up the CircleCI API v2. # Authentication <!-- ReDoc-Inject: <security-definitions> -->
The requests in this collection use the Postman API, if you don't already have an API key, you can generate it by following the instructions [here](https://learning.postman.com/docs/developer/intro-api/#generating-a-postman-api-key).
This describes the resources that make up the CircleCI API v2. Contact Support: Name: No Contact Email: email@example.com
 # Cintell API Documentation ## Introduction This documentation will describe how to use cintell API in details ### API Lists 1. Get Counts API v1.0 1. Get Contacts by Email API v1.0 1. Get Contacts by Email from CSV API v1.0
With api versions (not deployed)
This is a generated connector for [Chaingateway API v1.0](https://chaingateway.io/docs-ethereum) OpenAPI specification. This is the REST API to build the bridge between Ethereum and the real world. All of the integrations communicates with chaingateway.io through this API.
CEL.ro Marketplace
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Centuary. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
This interface provides offered universe product data for bonds, equities and funds to Censhare.
Endpoints principales. Para el testing se usó los siguientes ids: | key | value | | --- | --- | | store_id | China wok: <br>o7w0AIoB3KREBYVRqNmn <br> <br>Wendy's: <br>orwzAIoB3KREBYVRotmL <br> <br>KFC: <br>3rzO24kB3KREBYVRDmk5 | | order_id | ZyESlYoBrxNoS5ayikyf | | payment_id | 162293d3-53a6-42af-a11f-09f799160aad | Algunos valores, como los valores que se envía para cambiar el estado de la orden, se encuentran dentro de la doc del API: <img src="https://content.pstmn.io/9cd898bf-c905-48ad-9179-e007936cd6e9/Q2FwdHVyYSBkZSBwYW50YWxsYSAyMDI0LTAxLTIzIGEgbGEocykgMDkuMjcuMTUucG5n" width="2838" height="524">
 Use the Advanced Information System API to send truck movements to AIS and request status updates for those trucks as they progress from the point of departure through to arrival. Additional functionality is available to send customs messages to the relevant authorities for :- - Movements in Temporary Storage (MiTS)) - Goods Vehicle Movement Service (GVMS) - Import Control System (ICS Europe) - Safety and Security Import Declarations (S&S GB)
The CCAM Statistics API provides comprehensive insights into real-time and historical traffic data, facilitating informed decision-making and enhancing traffic management strategies within the Cooperative, Connected, and Automated Mobility (CCAM) framework. Leveraging this API, developers can access a wealth of information related to vehicle movements, flow dynamics, and congestion patterns.