Access the Cloudmersive API.
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the CloudStream. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
## API Reference Let's delve into the CloudRetail Open API. It operates on REST architecture. During testing, you're free to explore without impacting your live data or interfacing with the smart vending/kiosk networks. ## Authentication Accessing the CloudRetail Open API demands a few formalities. Your server must sport a whitelisted IP and present API Keys with each request. Liaise with your CloudRetail account manager to secure the requisite keys and whitelist your IP. Regarding API keys, they're akin to the keys to the castle – safeguard them diligently. Avoid disclosing your secret API keys in public forums such as GitHub or client-side code. Remember, all API requests must traverse HTTPS for security. Requests made via plain HTTP won't cut it. Without proper authentication, your requests will meet with failure.
This is a generated connector from [Cloudmersive]( OpenAPI specification. The Cloudmersive Barcode APIs let you generate barcode images, and recognize values from images of barcodes.
The Cloudbet Trading API uses a long-lived API Key to allow secure access. A single long-lived `API Key` is required for access to the Cloudbet Trading API. The `API Key` follows the JWT authentication standard. ## Trading API You can find sport, category and market lists on our Github account pages. We currently support these currencies: `BCH`, `BTC`, `CAD`, `DAI`, `ETH`, `EUR`, `LINK`, `PAX`, `PAXG`, `PLAY_EUR`, `USD`, `USDC`, `USDT` ### Test funds Please contact customer support should you require us to enable test funds (`PLAY_EUR`) on your account. After enabling, test funds are self service and can be requested by yourself when depleted. ### Using the Trading API Our Trading API expects the `API Key` from the previous section to be included in all API requests to the server in an HTTP header that looks like the following: `X-API-Key: <API Key>` You must replace `<API Key>` with your own `API Key` as obtained in the previous section. Example with sample Trading `API Key`. Note that this is a standard JWT token. ``` X-API-Key: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImxPVGE3LXVQLVd2QUk1VjhfOHhiYWxjZWlIUmM1OHd6Wi02c21CWGE0Z2MiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdGllciI6InRyYWRpbmciLCJleHAiOjE5MzMyMzk2MjgsImlhdCI6MTYxNzg3OTYyOCwiaXNzIjoic3BvcnRzLXBsYXllcnMiLCJqdGkiOiJmZmExZjQ5MC00MzY4LTRhMjEtOGQxYy00NzFlM2FkZTAyYjYiLCJzdWIiOiJiZjA2YjFhZi0zZjM1LTQ2NWUtYTQyZC01Mjc2YTY1ODdmNTIiLCJ0ZW5hbnQiOiJjbG91ZGJldCIsInVzZXJfdXVpZCI6ImJmMDZiMWFmLTNmMzUtNDY1ZS1hNDJkLTUyNzZhNjU4N2Y1MiIsInV1aWQiOiJiZjA2YjFhZi0zZjM1LTQ2NWUtYTQyZC01Mjc2YTY1ODdmNTIifQ.LEwR9AOQ5FGhAKZPGjQ7dl1-0YYUsXbU1fNb17rhUqr_hh7SQipAOv9AlnO8vdExv0bHKrX0zX3_rAnpKdyo5Z6yVVkd-ovpvoTvoiP6gP8yoQqRnrqZKFjHtxHT1wsvqYiBhM52gWzWH77_9ccw5nh78yaxsd2PbZ9meYnqZY_M9x9HGyEU6xFaM1AZ6NaDlGp1iEgqm3atv88vJC75k9H-8Krlh06IwaJxkMnNkrq2cS-rGPDv6tK4jMYpfc7rhXj9ffOr9YOMLQ-fpv7y01hwZD94oUTVoHbAFjBYgMwkh9CdQFbLKZyV0Owb4rFM5BY-4kfKwQlvP9E0TdW3Hw ```
Contact Support: Name: No Contact Email:
This is a generated connector for [Google Cloud Natural Language API v1]( OpenAPI specification. Provides natural language understanding technologies, such as sentiment analysis, entity recognition, entity sentiment analysis, and other text annotations, to developers.
The Cloudbet Account API uses a long-lived API Key to allow secure access. The `API Key` follows the JWT authentication standard. ## Testing the Account API The Account API expects the `API Key` from the previous section to be included in all API requests to the server in an HTTP header that looks like the following: `X-API-Key: <API Key>` You must replace `<API Key>` with your own `API Key` as obtained in the previous section. Example with sample Account `API Key`. Note that this is a standard JWT token. ``` X-API-Key: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImxPVGE3LXVQLVd2QUk1VjhfOHhiYWxjZWlIUmM1OHd6Wi02c21CWGE0Z2MiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdGllciI6InRyYWRpbmciLCJleHAiOjE5MzMyMzk2MjgsImlhdCI6MTYxNzg3OTYyOCwiaXNzIjoic3BvcnRzLXBsYXllcnMiLCJqdGkiOiJmZmExZjQ5MC00MzY4LTRhMjEtOGQxYy00NzFlM2FkZTAyYjYiLCJzdWIiOiJiZjA2YjFhZi0zZjM1LTQ2NWUtYTQyZC01Mjc2YTY1ODdmNTIiLCJ0ZW5hbnQiOiJjbG91ZGJldCIsInVzZXJfdXVpZCI6ImJmMDZiMWFmLTNmMzUtNDY1ZS1hNDJkLTUyNzZhNjU4N2Y1MiIsInV1aWQiOiJiZjA2YjFhZi0zZjM1LTQ2NWUtYTQyZC01Mjc2YTY1ODdmNTIifQ.LEwR9AOQ5FGhAKZPGjQ7dl1-0YYUsXbU1fNb17rhUqr_hh7SQipAOv9AlnO8vdExv0bHKrX0zX3_rAnpKdyo5Z6yVVkd-ovpvoTvoiP6gP8yoQqRnrqZKFjHtxHT1wsvqYiBhM52gWzWH77_9ccw5nh78yaxsd2PbZ9meYnqZY_M9x9HGyEU6xFaM1AZ6NaDlGp1iEgqm3atv88vJC75k9H-8Krlh06IwaJxkMnNkrq2cS-rGPDv6tK4jMYpfc7rhXj9ffOr9YOMLQ-fpv7y01hwZD94oUTVoHbAFjBYgMwkh9CdQFbLKZyV0Owb4rFM5BY-4kfKwQlvP9E0TdW3Hw ```
The [Cloudbet]( Feed API uses a long-lived API Key to allow secure access. The `API Key` used follows the JWT authentication standard. You can use these Odds API endpoints to obtain the latest market odds information from Cloudbet. This API returns JSON or binary protobuf responses. For JSON responses, send the header `Content-Type: application/json`. For binary protobuf responses, send the header `Content-Type: application/x-protobuf` ## Authentication with API Key ### Trading API 1. The Trading API (aka Betting API) is meant for developers who want to place bets and allows you to perform sports betting programatically. You can obtain the Cloudbet Trading `API Key` by logging into your Cloudbet Player account and navigating to the ["My account -> API" section]( For further details about how to use the Trading API, please refer to the [Trading API Documentation]( ### Affiliate API 1. The Affiliate API is primarily meant if you want to consume Cloudbet odds without needing to place bets programatically. You can obtain the Cloudbet Affiliate `API Key` by logging into your Cloudbet Affiliate account and then visiting the [Affiliate API Token]( page. Please note that there are 2 tokens on this page. Make sure to generate the token in the `API Key` section. Also, please take note of the `Expires at` timestamp mentioned in this section which is of a reasonably long duration. Your `API Key` will only be valid until this timestamp and you will have to create a new `API Key` again from the [Affiliate API Token]( page before your current token expires to avoid your API calls from being rejected in the future. 2. Using this Cloudbet Affiliate `API Key` you can then go back to to test the Feed API endpoints as per the next section. 3. If you authenticate with the Cloudbet Affiliate `API Key`, then the Feed API responses may be cached and up to 1 minute behind the latest updates. This is in contrast to using the Cloudbet Trading `API Key`, which gives you real-time updates. ## Testing the Feed API 1. Our Feed API expects the `API Key` from the previous section to be included in all API requests to the server in an HTTP header that looks like the following: `X-API-Key: <API Key>` You must replace `<API Key>` with your own `API Key` as obtained in the previous section. Example with sample Trading `API Key`. Note that this is a standard JWT token. ``` X-API-Key: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImxPVGE3LXVQLVd2QUk1VjhfOHhiYWxjZWlIUmM1OHd6Wi02c21CWGE0Z2MiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdGllciI6InRyYWRpbmciLCJleHAiOjE5MzMyMzk2MjgsImlhdCI6MTYxNzg3OTYyOCwiaXNzIjoic3BvcnRzLXBsYXllcnMiLCJqdGkiOiJmZmExZjQ5MC00MzY4LTRhMjEtOGQxYy00NzFlM2FkZTAyYjYiLCJzdWIiOiJiZjA2YjFhZi0zZjM1LTQ2NWUtYTQyZC01Mjc2YTY1ODdmNTIiLCJ0ZW5hbnQiOiJjbG91ZGJldCIsInVzZXJfdXVpZCI6ImJmMDZiMWFmLTNmMzUtNDY1ZS1hNDJkLTUyNzZhNjU4N2Y1MiIsInV1aWQiOiJiZjA2YjFhZi0zZjM1LTQ2NWUtYTQyZC01Mjc2YTY1ODdmNTIifQ.LEwR9AOQ5FGhAKZPGjQ7dl1-0YYUsXbU1fNb17rhUqr_hh7SQipAOv9AlnO8vdExv0bHKrX0zX3_rAnpKdyo5Z6yVVkd-ovpvoTvoiP6gP8yoQqRnrqZKFjHtxHT1wsvqYiBhM52gWzWH77_9ccw5nh78yaxsd2PbZ9meYnqZY_M9x9HGyEU6xFaM1AZ6NaDlGp1iEgqm3atv88vJC75k9H-8Krlh06IwaJxkMnNkrq2cS-rGPDv6tK4jMYpfc7rhXj9ffOr9YOMLQ-fpv7y01hwZD94oUTVoHbAFjBYgMwkh9CdQFbLKZyV0Owb4rFM5BY-4kfKwQlvP9E0TdW3Hw ``` 2. After authorization, click on any of the endpoints at (e.g. `/sports`). Click on the `Authorize` button on the top right corner of the page, then enter `<API Key>`. This will authorize you to access our Feed API endpoints from within the OpenAPI GUI itself. Then click on `Try it out` and `Execute`. You will be able to see the API response on this page itself. ## Samples ### Code Samples You can refer to [sample JavaScript code on Github]( which guides you on how to obtain sport, competition, event and market information using the API. After downloading this script, you can run it locally by adding your API key within the script and then run the command: `node api-sample.js` ### Response Samples You can refer to [sample Feed API responses on Github]( which gives you a preview of what to expect in our API responses. ### API Schemas You can refer to [Cloudbet API schemas]( which provide details about JSON objects returned within the Cloudbet API.
This is a generated connector for [Google Cloud Scheduler REST API v1]( OpenAPI specification. The Google Cloud Scheduler API provides the capability to manage jobs run on a regular recurring schedule.
This is a generated connector for [Google Cloud Vision API v1]( OpenAPI specification. Integrates Google Vision features, including image labeling, face, logo, and landmark detection, optical character recognition (OCR), and detection of explicit content, into applications.
This is a generated connector for [Google Cloud Translation API v3]( OpenAPI specification. Integrates text translation into your website or application.
This is a generated connector for [Google Cloud Talent Solution API v4]( OpenAPI specification. Cloud Talent Solution provides the capability to create, read, update, and delete job postings, as well as search jobs based on keywords and filters.
This is a generated connector for [Google Cloud Pub/Sub API v1]( OpenAPI specification. The Google Cloud Pub/Sub API provides the capability to do the messaging and ingestion for event-driven systems and streaming analytics.
This is a generated connector for [Google Cloud Functions REST API v1]( OpenAPI specification. The Google Cloud Functions API provides the capability to manage lightweight user-provided functions executed in response to events.
# Climatiq API Reference Climatiq helps you calculate the environmental footprint created by a broad range of emission-generating activities. We simplify the process of converting your operational activity data into CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) estimates, allowing you to understand your impact on the environment and identify actions to manage and reduce it. Operational activity data can be generated from any actions that result in greenhouse gas emissions, including vehicle rides, energy consumption, flights, logistical operations, manufacturing, agriculture, heating or cooling of buildings, and countless other daily activities. Using the Climatiq REST API, you can take data from your software and systems and automatically transform that it into CO2e values, using emission factors from a range of validated sources available in the Open Emission Factor Database ([OEFDB]( **Read more:** - [**Quickstart**]( - Make your first CO2e estimate with the Climatiq API - [**How-To Guides**]( - Get help with everything from getting an API key to mapping activities onto emission factors - [**Data Explorer**]( - Find the right emission factors for your project
This is a generated connector for [Clever Data API v1.2]( OpenAPI specification. Clever Data API provides the capability to retrieve information from Clever data store.
This is a generated connector for [Google Cloud Filestore REST API v1]( OpenAPI specification. The Google Cloud Filestore API provides the capability to create and manage cloud file servers.
This is a generated connector for [Google Cloud Datastore REST API v1]( OpenAPI specification. The Google Cloud Datastore API provides the capability to access the schemaless NoSQL database to provide fully managed, robust, scalable storage for your application.
# Introduction Let's make people more productive, together. Please use our [feedback board]( to report bugs, feature requests, and collaborate with the community. If you'd like to import our entire API library, click [here]( API V2.postman_collection.json) to download the file needed to import through Postman. # Authentication There are two ways to authenticate with ClickUp API 2.0, with a personal token or creating an application and authenticating with an OAuth2 flow. Once you receive one of those two tokens, use that in the `Authorization` header of your API requests. **IMPORTANT** - *If you are creating an application for others to use, it is highly recommended that you use the OAuth2 flow.* ## Personal Token If you are using the API for personal use, it is safe to use the personal API token. You can find this token in your user settings, under the `Apps` section. At the top of the page you have the option to generate a personal token. These tokens will always begin with `pk_`.  If your token becomes compromised, you can regenerate it. However, be aware that any applications that were using the old token will lose access once it has been regenerated. ## OAuth2 Flow When you want to develop an application that others can use, you must go through the OAuth2 flow so that every user that uses your application gets assigned an individualized token. This way each user of your application is able to access their own ClickUp resources. If you are unfamiliar with OAuth2, Digital Ocean has put together a great [guide]( that should get you started. ***Note:*** *ClickUp uses the authorization code grant type.* ### How To Use the ClickUp OAuth2 Flow 1. **Create An OAuth App** - As an admin, navigate to your team settings and click on the `Integrations` section. Once there, click on the icon that is labeled "ClickUp API" and create a new app. When you create an app, you will be prompted to enter a name, and at least one redirect url. When your app is created, you will be provided with a `client_id` and a `secret`. 2. **Authorization Code** - You must first retrieve an authorization code from your user before you can get an access token for their account. * To start this process, redirect the user to `{client_id}&redirect_uri={redirect_uri}` with the redirect query parameter set to a redirect uri that you specified when creating the oauth app. The host of the redirect uri must match one of those redirect uris or the request will fail. The protocol will default to https if not provided, and non-ssl redirect uris may not be supported in the future. * Once the user has accepted or rejected the authorization request, they will be redirected back to the `redirect_uri` with the necessary query parameters for getting an access token. 3. **Access Token** - Once you have retrieved the authorization code in the previous step, you can then use the route `POST /api/v2/oauth/token` with the parameters `client_id`, `client_secret` , and `code` to get the user access token. This is the token that is used in the `Authorization` header for all requests in the ClickUp API. Skip to the authorization section below for more information on this route. 4. **Token Teams** - When you redirect your user in step 2 of this flow, they will be prompted which teams (Workspaces) they want to grant you access to. Therefore in order to access a specific Workspace for the user, you need to ensure that they have given you access. You can use the route `GET /api/v2/team` to see which Workspaces they have authorized you to access. If they have not given you access to the appropriate Workspaces, you can redirect them to the authorization code URL from step 2 at any time to reauthorize your app. Below is a screenshot of what the user sees when they visit this URL.  ## Rate Limiting The API is rate limited per OAuth and personal token. You will receive a 429 HTTP status code if you exceed the rate limit. The rate limit varies based on [plan]( * **Free Forever**, **Unlimited**, and **Business Plan**: 100 requests per minute per token * **Business Plus Plan**: 1,000 requests per minute per token * **Enterprise Plan**: 10,000 requests per minute per token Learn more about our [ClickUp Plans]( ## Error Handling Errors responses will return a non-200 status code and a json err message and error code. Common errors include: **`Team not authorized`**: This error is thrown when a team was not authorized by the user for a particular access token. Refer to the `Token Teams` section of the OAuth instructions for more information on how to fix this error. Error codes that are associated with this message include `OAUTH_023`, `OAUTH_026`, `OAUTH_027`, and `OAUTH_029` to `OAUTH_045` **`Token not found`**: This error is thrown if authorization is revoked by the user, as described in the "Personal Token" section. Error codes that are associated with this message include `OAUTH_019`, `OAUTH_021`, `OAUTH_025`, and `OAUTH_077` **`Authorization Header Required`**: The authorization token was missing in the `Authorization` http header. `OAUTH_017` **`Client Not Found`**: The client application was not created correctly. `OAUTH_010` **`Redirect URI not passed`**: The redirect URI was not present during the OAuth authentication flow. Refer to the section "Create An OAuth App" to resolve this error. `OAUTH_017` **`Redirect URI does not match the redirect uris of this application`**: The redirect URI must be registered with your client application. Refer to the section "Create An OAuth App" to resolve this error. `OAUTH_007` ## FAQ > What is `team` in reference to? Teams is the legacy term for what are now called Workspaces in ClickUp. For compatibility, the term `team` is still used in this API to refer to Workspaces. In our API documentation, `team_id` refers to the id of a Workspace, and `group_id` refers to the id of a user group. > What `Content-Type` should I use? When formatting your requests to ClickUp, please always use the content type `application/json`. Using form encoded data is not fully supported and can result in unexpected consequences. > How are projects and Folders related? Projects are what we used to call Folders in ClickUp V1. If you use the first version of the API, the items that are returned to you as projects are the same as Folders in the second version of the API. You must use the correct nomenclature depending on the version of the API you are using (`project` for V1 and `folder` for V2) and cannot interchange them. > Does the access token returned from `POST /api/v2/oauth/token` expire? The access token does not expire at this time. > Is it possible to move a task between lists using the API? It is not possible to move a task between lists at this time. This is a complicated process, however we hope to implement this on the public API in the near future. > Will tasks created via API generate notifications? Yes, all actions you take with the public api will trigger all of the same process that would occur through the UI. This includes notifications, websocket messages, webhooks, etc. > How do I tell who has access to a particular task? To get a list of team members that have access to a particular task or list, use the routes `GET /api/v2/task/{{task_id}}/member` and `GET /api/v2/list/{{list_id}}/member` under the "Members" section of this documentation. > How are dates formatted in ClickUp? ClickUp will always display dates in [Unix time]( in milliseconds. You can use a website like [Epoch Converter]( to convert dates between Unix and human readable date formats. > What timezone does your API use for timestamps? Our API always returns timestamps in [UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)]( > How are subtasks represented in the API? Subtasks are identical to tasks in every way. Therefore, you can manipulate subtasks the same way you would update any task with the API. To check if a task object is a subtask or not, locate the `parent` property. If this value is `null` then it is not a subtask, otherwise it will contain the task ID of the subtask's parent. To create a subtask, use `POST /api/v2/list/:list_id/task` and make sure to set the `parent` property in the body of the request. Similarly, to update or delete existing subtasks, use the routes `PUT /api/v2/task/:task_id` and `DELETE /api/v2/task/:task_id` respectively. To fetch subtasks, get the parent task and add the subtask query param (`GET /api/v2/task/:parent_id?include_subtasks=true`) or use the search team route with that same query param (`GET /api/v2/team/:team_id/task?subtasks=true`). > The code examples shown here aren't working Our code examples are automatically generated and may require customization for specific coding languages and implementation. They are included for reference purposes only.
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the ClickSend. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
## CityScan API Postman Collection This is a postman collection covering the CityScan API. ## Prerequisites [Postman]( A CityScan account. See details [here]( and get in touch with us. # Getting Started To get started, fork the collection within Postman. Enter a name for your fork and select the workspace where it will be created You can also fork the environment template from the Stripe Developers Workspace # Set your API key To run requests you'll need to supply your [secret API key]( and set it as an [environment variable]( within your workspace. Once the apiKey set, you’ll see it override the apiKey variable. # Start your tests Feel free to ask for a testing apiKey to start your CityScan integration without consuming your production plan.
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Ciudadano-360. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the ClassOn. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
This collections define the APIs that an external entity can use to interact with City Logistics Master Data. City Logistics Master Data can be accessed as a HTTPS REST API, secured by JWT. The data access patterns we provide are essentially two: - a polling mode, where the integration partner requests data periodically based on various searching criteria that can be specified at query time; - for ASSET only, we offer also an asynchronous mode, where we send updates via a webhook to the integration partners that support that; By default we assume integration partners to use the first approach, please engage with our customer support directly to set up webhook based async updates.
Postman collection of Cisco's industrial security software Cyber Vision. APIv3 0.1
# Cisco EVPN BGP Postman Collection Brought to you by * Robert Csapo ([]( This collection uses RESTCONF * [Enabling RESTCONF on IOS-XE](!enabling-restconf-on-ios-xe) **Note:** Make sure you **update** your *Environment Variables* with your Cisco Device IOS-XE variables * host * username * password Learn more about Cisco BGP EVPN here * [IOS-XE]( Found an issue? - let us know.
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the CiscoCloudlock Enterprise API. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
xAPI is the Application Programming Interface (API) for Collaboration Endpoint software(Cisco CE and RoomOS), for both on-premise registered video conferencing devices (CUCM, VCS) as well as devices registered to Cisco’s cloud service (Cisco Webex Devices). **This collection gathers commands accessible to an 'Integrator' user, and local to the collaboration device.** Which commands are available depends on the product, the back-end (on-premise, cloud), and the user role of the local user (admin, audit, integrator, roomcontrol, user). To get an overview of the commands, check the reference guide for the version of CE or RoomOS you are running. Here is a link to the guide for CE 9.8 and RoomOS as of September 2019: This collection comes with default environment variables: - endpoint: replace with the LAN ip adress of your collection device, defaults to: - credentials: replace with your integrator credentials, or one of the proposed below, defaults to: 'creds-integrator' - creds-integrator: defaults to 'aW50ZWdyYXRvcjppbnRlZ3JhdG9y', which corresponds to a base64 encoding of 'integrator:integrator' - the default credentials for the 'Integrator' role on [DevNet Sandbox RoomKit devices]( - creds-admin: defaults to 'cmVtb3Rlc3VwcG9ydDo2US82a0JDYnJ0DQo=', which corresponds to a base64 encoding of 'admin:ciscopsdt' - the default credentials for the "Admin" role on [DevNet Sandbox RoomKit devices]( - creds-localadmin: defaults to 'bG9jYWxhZG1pbjpjaXNjb3BzZHQ', which corresponds to a base64 encoding of "localadmin:ciscopsdt" - the default credentials for DevNet learning labs when addind an "Admin" role for cloud-registered Webex Devices running RoomOS.
xAPI is the Application Programming Interface (API) for Collaboration Endpoint software(Cisco CE and RoomOS), for both on-premise registered video conferencing devices (CUCM, VCS) as well as devices registered to Cisco’s cloud service (Cisco Webex Devices). **This collection gathers commands accessible to an 'Admin' user, and local to the collaboration device.** Which commands are available depends on the product, the back-end (on-premise, cloud), and the user role of the local user (admin, audit, integrator, roomcontrol, user). To get an overview of the commands, check the reference guide for the version of CE or RoomOS you are running. Here is a link to the guide for CE 9.8 and RoomOS as of September 2019: This collection comes with default environment variables: - endpoint: replace with the LAN ip adress of your collection device, defaults to: - credentials: replace with your integrator credentials, or one of the proposed below, defaults to: 'creds-admin' - creds-integrator: defaults to 'aW50ZWdyYXRvcjppbnRlZ3JhdG9y', which corresponds to a base64 encoding of 'integrator:integrator' - the default credentials for the 'Integrator' role on [DevNet Sandbox RoomKit devices]( - creds-admin: defaults to 'cmVtb3Rlc3VwcG9ydDo2US82a0JDYnJ0DQo=', which corresponds to a base64 encoding of 'admin:ciscopsdt' - the default credentials for the "Admin" role on [DevNet Sandbox RoomKit devices]( - creds-localadmin: defaults to 'bG9jYWxhZG1pbjpjaXNjb3BzZHQ', which corresponds to a base64 encoding of "localadmin:ciscopsdt" - the default credentials for DevNet learning labs when addind an "Admin" role for cloud-registered Webex Devices running RoomOS.
Cisco Extended Detection and Response (XDR), formerly called SecureX. Developer info - []( Product login - [](
## Cisco Intersight Postman Collection The Cisco Intersight Postman Collection provides a subset of all Intersight calls. Cisco Intersight is based on the OpenAPI specification and as such a Postman collection can be created directly from the OpenAPI specification. However the OpenAPI specification does not provide the pre-requestion operation of siging the request. A request signed with the user's API Key ID and their Secret Key is needed to authenticate the request. Additionally, the pre-request script pre-processes the Body and URL Postman variable prior to signing the request. The pre-request script requires two variables, that must be in the current Postman environment and named exactly as follows; **api-key** - which is available in the Intersight Web interafce after a successful API Key creation. **secret-key** - which is the complete text of the SecretKet.txt file that is downloaded after a successful API Key creation. With defined API Key environment variables the provided calls will work within the limits of your Intersight account. With respect to licensing and account capabilities. The collection also contains some basic test that determine the success or failure of the request and is the request completed in a certain amount of time. Several of the requests contain post-request tests to perform various activities - Update the Postman console - Set Environment variables - Unset Environment variables Cisco DevNet provides several Learning Labs and an Inersight Sandbox to get you started using these Postman Calls. ## Cisco DevNet resources - [Cisco Intersight DevNet Learning Labs ]( - [Cisco Intersight DevNet Sandbox](
# Cisco ISE 3.0 MNT REST APIs ## License [Cisco Sample Code License]( ## Status These are the status icons for the requests so far. - ⌗ : must create resources to test - 🚧 : incomplete | untested - 🛑 : unsupported | bug ## Environment Variables This collection uses environment variables in scripts in the **Tests** tab to store data (`id`, `name`, `portalId`, etc.) between requests. This allows you to `GET` or `POST` then immediately `GET {id}` on a resource. Using **No Environment** will cause this convenience functionality to fail so be sure to choose one. ## Collection Variables This collection includes some default variables that you will want to update or override with environment variables for your ISE deployment. Specfically, you will want to set: - `ise_mnt`: the ISE PAN node name or IP address. Default: `` - `rest_username`: the username for ERS API access. Must be a member of **SuperAdmin**, **ERSAdmin** or **ERSOperator** groups. Default: `admin` which is the ISE SuperAdmin - `rest_password`: Default: `C1sco12345`
Collection to use with the Cisco XDR Environment to learn, explore, read about the Cisco XDR API
# Cisco ISE 3.0 pxGrid REST APIs ## License [Cisco Sample Code License]( ## Status These are the status icons for the requests so far. - ⌗ : must create resources to test - 🚧 : incomplete | untested - 🛑 : unsupported | bug ## Environment Variables This collection uses environment variables in scripts in the **Tests** tab to store data (`id`, `name`, `portalId`, etc.) between requests. This allows you to `GET` or `POST` then immediately `GET {id}` on a resource. Using **No Environment** will cause this convenience functionality to fail so be sure to choose one. ## Collection Variables This collection includes some default variables that you will want to update or override with environment variables for your ISE deployment. Specifically, you will want to set: - `ise_pxg`: the ISE PAN node name or IP address. Default: `` - `rest_username`: the username for ERS API access. Must be a member of **SuperAdmin**, **ERSAdmin** or **ERSOperator** groups. Default: `admin` which is the ISE SuperAdmin - `rest_password`: Default: `C1sco12345`
# Cisco ISE 3.0 ERS REST APIs ## License [Cisco Sample Code License]( ## Status These are the status icons for the requests so far. - ⌗ : must create resources to test - 🚧 : incomplete | untested - 🛑 : unsupported | bug ## Environment Variables This collection uses environment variables in scripts in the **Tests** tab to store data (`id`, `name`, `portalId`, etc.) between requests. This allows you to `GET` or `POST` then immediately `GET {id}` on a resource. Using **No Environment** will cause this convenience functionality to fail so be sure to choose one. ## Collection Variables This collection includes some default variables that you will want to update or override with environment variables for your ISE deployment. Specifically, you will want to set: - `ise_pan`: the ISE PAN node name or IP address. Default: `` - `rest_username`: the username for ERS API access. Must be a member of **SuperAdmin**, **ERSAdmin** or **ERSOperator** groups. Default: `admin` which is the ISE SuperAdmin - `rest_password`: Default: `C1sco12345` If you want to manipulate the `guestuser` resource(s) you will also need to use a separate sponsor account specified with: - `guestuser_username`: Default: `guestapi` - `guestuser_password`: Default: `C1sco12345`
Provision and manage networks, domains, tunnels, network devices, and users. Manage roles and policies. Block or allow internet destinations. Protect against suspicious or malicious domains. Manage customers and service providers.
The Umbrella Network Tunnels API enables you to provision and view details about your network tunnels.
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Cisco Umbrella-Reporting-API. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
The Umbrella Investigate API provides a complete view of domains in relation to IP and autonomous system number (ASN) information. With the API, you can collect, research, and visualize security event data
The main goal of this collection to help the developer understand the various API capabilities of Cisco Next Gen Firewall using Firepower Device Manager APIs (This is local manager available on device)
The Umbrella Enforcement API enables you to register a domain associated with a security event. For each security event, Umbrella checks the domain's security characteristics with an integrated threat intelligence solution and either blocks or allows the destination.
The Umbrella Investigate API provides a complete view of domains in relation to IP and autonomous system number (ASN) information. With the API, you can collect, research, and visualize security event data
The Umbrella Enforcement API enables you to register a domain associated with a security event. For each security event, Umbrella checks the domain's security characteristics with an integrated threat intelligence solution and either blocks or allows the destination.
The Umbrella Network Tunnels API enables you to provision and view details about your network tunnels.
This Open API specification serves as a standardized framework for describing and defining the capabilities of the Cisco Umbrella Reporting API v2. It outlines how clients can interact with the API, providing a structured approach to document endpoints, operations, and other integration details. This specification is intended to promote clarity, consistency, and ease of use for developers and consumers of the API, ensuring efficient communication between systems.
Provision and manage networks, domains, tunnels, network devices, and users. Manage roles and policies. Block or allow internet destinations. Protect against suspicious or malicious domains. Manage customers and service providers.
Umbrella has 3 completely separate APIs, with individual documentation. They also use different authentication/authorization schemes. See each folder for the relevant documentation link. Main login: General reference: